That's why the buttons on men's shirts sewn on the right and female left!
Have you ever noticed that the buttons on men's shirts sewn on the right and female on the left? Is it some whim of the designers or another way to emphasize how we are different? The key to this little mystery is much more interesting than fiction, and the Website is in a hurry to share it with you.
© Paramount PicturesОказывается, the difference between men's and women's shirts appeared in the XIII century, when was invented buttons themselves.
Only wealthy women could afford this new-fangled invention. However, all wealthy ladies had a servant — girl, who every day put on them. That is why women's shirts button on the left side: to the maids was easier to zip up (if you consider that most people are right — handed). While men dressed themselves, so buttons made on the right side to make it easier to zip up by yourself.
via factroom.ru
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