Book fantasy turned into reality
Author of many books have become prophets themselves without knowing it.
It so happened that some book stories looked into the future and come up with the emergence of new things and gave the name does not exist.
I want to show you the book fantasy that became reality.
1. Viktor Pelevin in «Generation P" when it opposed a real Russian kvass Western Coke and came up with a brand new shopping "Nikola". In 2005, this brand of kvass actually went on sale. The marketing director of the company honestly confessed that the name kvass was born after reading the novel Pelevin. So "Kvas - not cola, drink Nikola».
2. Fight Club in the eponymous film by Chuck Palahniuk was the venue for an honest and serious fights adrenaline. The idea had a lot to like. Therefore, today scattered around the world or a dozen similar establishments. Many of them work quite legally.
3. Modern criminologists owe bookish detective Sherlock Holmes. Prior to the publication of books about the talented English detective in the police did not use such methods as the study of the crime scene with a magnifying glass, a comparison of the text printed on different typewriters, collecting cigarette butts and cigarette ashes, etc.
4. The protagonist of "Dead Souls" by Gogol buying something that is not in reality, but exist on paper. Thus was born the modern scheme of "laundering" of money, when the company-contractor receives money for the work carried out only on the documents.
5. Adolf Hitler ideas about the superior race learned from the writings of Nietzsche, in particular his work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". According to the Fuhrer, true Aryans and were supermen.
6. Jules Verne is often called the "father of the submarine." And this is no accident. Long before the advent of submarines fiction in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" described a new type of vessels - a submarine. At the time the book was published in 1869, scientists were just beginning to think about the creation of this type of vessel.
7. "Asketskoy Russia" Writers Artem Loginov Oleg Senatorova and automatic replenishment account offered to play a game "Odd or Even". Winning could double the amount lost - lose all the money. The game was very chance, and the children were often left without any means of pocket, and retirees without pensions. I liked the idea, and it would apply in reality. Our finances saved only law limiting gambling.
8. In the famous novel by the Strugatsky brothers "Noon, XXII Century" is mentioned a method to make an exact copy of his brain and create mathematical analogy. Science fiction called his method system "Kasparov Karpov." Surprising fact that at the time of publication of the book and the future of chess player Anatoly Karpov was only thirteen. And Garry Kasparov in 1962, even yet born.
9. The term "atomic bomb" was first used in the pages of HG Wells his work "The World Set Free," in 1913. Recall that the atomic bomb was first used in 1945 during the Second World War.
10. The creation of the most popular model of headphones in the form of tiny droplets we owe science fiction Ray Bradbury. Back in 1950 a writer in the pages of "Fahrenheit 451" described in detail the form and work as our favorite modern headphones.
Source: daypic.ru
It so happened that some book stories looked into the future and come up with the emergence of new things and gave the name does not exist.
I want to show you the book fantasy that became reality.

1. Viktor Pelevin in «Generation P" when it opposed a real Russian kvass Western Coke and came up with a brand new shopping "Nikola". In 2005, this brand of kvass actually went on sale. The marketing director of the company honestly confessed that the name kvass was born after reading the novel Pelevin. So "Kvas - not cola, drink Nikola».

2. Fight Club in the eponymous film by Chuck Palahniuk was the venue for an honest and serious fights adrenaline. The idea had a lot to like. Therefore, today scattered around the world or a dozen similar establishments. Many of them work quite legally.

3. Modern criminologists owe bookish detective Sherlock Holmes. Prior to the publication of books about the talented English detective in the police did not use such methods as the study of the crime scene with a magnifying glass, a comparison of the text printed on different typewriters, collecting cigarette butts and cigarette ashes, etc.

4. The protagonist of "Dead Souls" by Gogol buying something that is not in reality, but exist on paper. Thus was born the modern scheme of "laundering" of money, when the company-contractor receives money for the work carried out only on the documents.

5. Adolf Hitler ideas about the superior race learned from the writings of Nietzsche, in particular his work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". According to the Fuhrer, true Aryans and were supermen.

6. Jules Verne is often called the "father of the submarine." And this is no accident. Long before the advent of submarines fiction in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" described a new type of vessels - a submarine. At the time the book was published in 1869, scientists were just beginning to think about the creation of this type of vessel.

7. "Asketskoy Russia" Writers Artem Loginov Oleg Senatorova and automatic replenishment account offered to play a game "Odd or Even". Winning could double the amount lost - lose all the money. The game was very chance, and the children were often left without any means of pocket, and retirees without pensions. I liked the idea, and it would apply in reality. Our finances saved only law limiting gambling.

8. In the famous novel by the Strugatsky brothers "Noon, XXII Century" is mentioned a method to make an exact copy of his brain and create mathematical analogy. Science fiction called his method system "Kasparov Karpov." Surprising fact that at the time of publication of the book and the future of chess player Anatoly Karpov was only thirteen. And Garry Kasparov in 1962, even yet born.

9. The term "atomic bomb" was first used in the pages of HG Wells his work "The World Set Free," in 1913. Recall that the atomic bomb was first used in 1945 during the Second World War.

10. The creation of the most popular model of headphones in the form of tiny droplets we owe science fiction Ray Bradbury. Back in 1950 a writer in the pages of "Fahrenheit 451" described in detail the form and work as our favorite modern headphones.

Source: daypic.ru