Several ways to impress

1. Base the real business for a long time.
This seems obvious, but not all employers to do so. Most are aimed at a quick leap to an IPO or resale. But for venture capitalists is nothing more seductive than the companies that in their view can affect the world and come to long.
2. Internal sources
Venture capitalists are lazy. We want to get everything on a silver platter. We prefer when someone whom we know and trust, tells us a good idea. The best recommendation for us - from corporate finance attorneys, college professors and CEO of our portfolio.
3. Stick to the rules 10/20/30
Your presentation in Power Point should consist of no more than 10 slides, packed in 20 minutes, and the smallest font it should not be less than 30 points. And yes, this assumes that you have a patent, graphics, information from open sources and so forth.
4. Show a positive trend
The easiest way to prove that you have a standing business - to demonstrate that it generates income. There is only one way to believe in your presentation - to show the cash flow in your company. Show income and you will overcome distrust of investors.
5. Clean business
Once again, that venture capitalists are lazy, so you represent a business should be clean. This means that there should be no trials, no one should claim on your property, etc.
6. Expand all
If you have something to hide, it is not necessary, cleaned of dirt immediately to talk about it to investors. But it must be done later. The worst thing you can do - surprise VCs bad news.
7. Mark the enemy
Investors like the rivalry, it confirms that the market exists.
8. New Lies
Look again at the numbers reported last month. Each new lie reduces your chances of funding by 25%.
Lie to four times and you will not get the money.
9. Do not fall into traps matters.
Investors use two types of questions traps: Do you see yourself long-term CEO of this company? And what is the liquidity of your company?
The correct answer to the first question: "My goal - to build a great company. If the time will show that in the interests of the company I have to step aside, I will gladly do it. "
The correct answer to the second question is: "To tell you the truth, I do not think too much about liquidity. My team and I have focused on the product. If we can build a big company, I'm sure will be liquidity. "
10. Promise less and exceed
In all that you say you can be sure that the results will meet expectations. Show earlier prototype. Previously, provide a list of recommendations. There is only one thing that should not be done before - spend all the money.