1. External equal to the internal.
2. Like attracts like.
3. Begin to pay attention to what is happening around and within you.
4. If you notice something around and it causes you some thoughts and emotions, therefore, it is present in you; you have to learn from this situation a lesson.
5. If you do not like something in the other, therefore, it is present in you.
6. If we avoid something, then it masks pain or fear.
7. Making something that is present at what you do.
8. Once in any situation, be present at what was going on. If you have a desire to escape, see how you do it.
9. perform an action, do not blame yourself, and analyze everything that happened before, during, and after, including your thoughts, feelings and hunches, and out of the situation lesson.
10. The situation gives rise to or attract your thoughts and blocks.
11. Our units - this is what we need to learn and understand about the world.
12. If you find yourself in the same situation or permanently sick, therefore you pass a lesson. What you need to understand from this situation?
13. You - the reason that happens to you.
14. Do not try to change the world or the people around you, change yourself first. When you change yourself, change and the people around you, change the world.
15. If you tell yourself and others that you have changed, so you have not changed at all, it is a mask.
16. If you tell yourself and others that you have in some area of life all right, therefore, there is a complete mess. This suggests a mask. It is here that we must all take a closer look into yourself.
17. Do not consider advise you and offer you help as a reference to your shortcomings and inability to / itself solve the problem.
18. When you do not have something that you want to have, so you either do not want or do not intend to truly have it. To get something definite, describe yourself clearly what you want. Learn crystal faces of thought.
19. Never think that people can give you or what you want from them. By doing so, you lose your appeal.
20. Forget about the desire to be strong. The real power lies in the love and attention to themselves and environment.
21. A man becomes free and able to act when a woman loving it renounces its possession.
22. Think about what you want to be, not what you do not want.
23. Money does not come from what you do not like to live in poverty.
24. Your attention - a channel through which energy flows to nourish thought. The thought must be creative energy.
25. Negative emotions do not bring what you want, they bring only what you do not want.
26. Dreams and fantasies show you your potential.
27. Imagination displays beyond the limitations and releases out your potential.
28. If you keep telling yourself why you can not have the object of your dreams, you will never get it. Start telling yourself why you can have what you want.
29. Think of the money and material things not in terms of their own needs, and as a tool for self-discovery, self-expression and a more complete realization of their potential.
30. Focus on what you want to be, rather than getting rid of what you do not want. Many do not know what it wants, but know exactly what they do not want.
31. If you can not believe in the possibility of something, you'll never be.
32. Possession of money is not as important as mastering the process of their creation.
33. Learn how to create well-being in their lives - is the process of your growth.
34. You came into this world to enjoy life and not suffer.