Choosing the best broker trading platform with the help of IAFT experts

Regardless of the experience of the trader, it is his choice of the best technologies for buying and selling trading assets that is the decisive factor in obtaining a decent profit. But, the choice of the most effective trading platform, which is the software for obtaining online access to the financial markets of the world (both exchange and over-the-counter), in most cases is very difficult. To help traders solve the problem of optimal choice, the ITF experts presented in their review the best trading platforms with a detailed analysis of their distinctive features and advantages.

What goals are achieved through the trading platform
Having made a choice with the help of the MOFT of the most effective trading platform, the trader provides reliable opportunities for himself:
- obtaining information, first of all, about quotes, that is, the value of the asset online at the moment. Also available here are archives of quotes, receiving news, etc.;
- analysis of the market, thanks to the basic technical and graphical tools for assessing its state, both at the moment and for previous periods;
- Transaction management, including the opening or closing of orders, their partial closing, the installation of pending orders, etc.;
- Account management – opening any number of accounts (demo and real), switching in the process of trading and analysis between them;
- Strategies testing – checking the effectiveness of algorithmic and manual strategies
- analysis of trade performance – by preserving the history of transactions and forming a statistical report with its reflection in tabular editors.

Principal criteria for evaluating broker trading platforms
The IAFT experts, evaluating the level of effectiveness of a particular trading platform, are guided by the main criteria:
- functionality, that is, the availability of analysis tools (graphic and technical), different types of charts, different timeframes, as well as the ability to trade in one-click mode, install user applications, add-ons and scripts;
- intuitive interface;
- ease of working with it, which consists in the conciseness of the design, finding all the functions “in front of the eyes”, eliminating their fatigue during prolonged communication.
The IAFT recommends that when familiarizing yourself with trading platforms, you use demo accounts that provide access to almost all their functionality, which do not require verification and monetary costs.
The ITF review provides a comparative, using a number of parameters, assessment of the trading platforms offered by brokers, taking into account the content of graphic objects and key technical analysis tools. Having carefully studied it, the trader will be able to more meaningfully approach the choice of the most acceptable option for himself.
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