
Brewing began to engage people in ancient times. Egyptians were already fans to "look in the cup." on one of the stone slabs vy¬sechen following advice to young people: "... Do not drink too much beer, you fall and break their bones, and no one holds your hands, your well Friends continue to drink, saying, kick him out of the drunkard! »
In ancient India, abstinence from alcohol was considered mandatory for all classes. People convicted of drunkenness, fed molten silver, lead and copper.
Charlemagne did with drunkards as follows: the first time they were punished in a closed room, then publicly. If these measures do not help, drunks executed.
In England, at the beginning of the last century sailors convicted of drunkenness, dressed in dirty clothes, hung on the neck label "drunk" and was forced to do the most menial jobs.
In 1220 BC, the Chinese Emperor Wu Weng issued an edict that all persons captured during drinking, were subjected to the death penalty.
In the capital of Mexico - Mexico City - in the thirties of the XX century by order of the Prefect of Police of every drunk lying on the street, and the entire process of delivering it to the sobering special cameramen filmed. If this happened the first time, after sobering up drunks showed the film to him. When such a measure did not help, and the man got drunk again, his shot again and showed the film friends and relatives.
In Texas, according to the old law, you are allowed to drink while standing no more than three sips of beer. After that you need to sit down. The fact that at one time in Texas was believed that drinking more than three sips without food - it's drunkenness. Thus, if you wanted a drink, you had to order dinner.
The cafes and bars of Vienna still are machines designed for sobering too tipsy. After receiving a small coin machine through the hole to the outside portion of the vapor emits highly concentrated ammonia.
One hundred years ago in Russia's Samara province there was an ancient custom of not bury a man who died from alcoholism. There were thrown into the river or buried in the woods. According to legend alcoholic funeral in the Christian tradition could cause crop failure or drought.
In ancient Sparta, according to the order of the authorities, one of the elected officials had got drunk and wander staggered through the streets as a good lesson for young people.