Russian girls in Egypt
From the author: Dear friends, never liked to evaluate other people's behavior - but it does not help myself. It is no secret that in Egypt, where I was recently lucky enough to visit, local men are not very high opinion of Russian girls. I used to be assumed that this is due to the local mentality, we go with the short skirts, bare-headed, etc. Caught in the most southern country, it was forced to admit that such a reputation is created by the girls.
Some photos from the photo album of some Ahmad
My husband and I once got into a nightclub. Such as mice was another 2 couples. The others present - a pair of "European woman - to the Egyptians." Couple hugging and kissing. In 80 percent of cases in the role of our European women were young girls. Ostalnye- overgrown Germans, disburse company of his young friends. This situation surprised my husband and we decided that we were in some kind of a special club where young Egyptians take their Russian girlfriends on dates, but further rest showed that we were wrong. Wherever we walked on, always one and the same kartina- Russian girl in the arms of the Arabs. And to believe that all of them unmarried and free is very difficult. Meet Russian women, who had not managed zakurtit holiday romance, it is very difficult. Such units. I wondered why. Of course, we have less than men, and those that have- not particularly in a hurry to make us compliments. Not all have a pretty appearance and self-confidence that would not be afraid of loneliness. But but but. Then what is the demand for a completely arranged in this sense girls. Every day in our hotel came a new piece of Russian tourists and usually, the next day they walked arm in arm with the temperamental young men. Does this lack of discipline or self-delusion, the belief that such a relationship to something may lead? I do not know. But somehow it was insulting. It's a shame that any egiptyanen the right to assume that all of us are willing to almost the first time the evening. After all, is not it? Or so? And head to sunny Egypt girls turned off? Anastasia Kiseleva (Sokolova).
Source: pryf.livejournal.com
Some photos from the photo album of some Ahmad
My husband and I once got into a nightclub. Such as mice was another 2 couples. The others present - a pair of "European woman - to the Egyptians." Couple hugging and kissing. In 80 percent of cases in the role of our European women were young girls. Ostalnye- overgrown Germans, disburse company of his young friends. This situation surprised my husband and we decided that we were in some kind of a special club where young Egyptians take their Russian girlfriends on dates, but further rest showed that we were wrong. Wherever we walked on, always one and the same kartina- Russian girl in the arms of the Arabs. And to believe that all of them unmarried and free is very difficult. Meet Russian women, who had not managed zakurtit holiday romance, it is very difficult. Such units. I wondered why. Of course, we have less than men, and those that have- not particularly in a hurry to make us compliments. Not all have a pretty appearance and self-confidence that would not be afraid of loneliness. But but but. Then what is the demand for a completely arranged in this sense girls. Every day in our hotel came a new piece of Russian tourists and usually, the next day they walked arm in arm with the temperamental young men. Does this lack of discipline or self-delusion, the belief that such a relationship to something may lead? I do not know. But somehow it was insulting. It's a shame that any egiptyanen the right to assume that all of us are willing to almost the first time the evening. After all, is not it? Or so? And head to sunny Egypt girls turned off? Anastasia Kiseleva (Sokolova).
Source: pryf.livejournal.com