Dove of Peace or advertising paper handkerchiefs.
Ivan Golub
Art print advertising
Advertising placed wisely
Advertising in unexpected places
The Lost Battalion. People and poultry (6 photos)
Creative advertising 9
Advertising that nobody understood
There comes a season when pigeons make nests, this is what you need to do so that they do not decide to breed on your balcony.
Simple logic puzzles for inquisitive minds that can be solved with the whole family!
Creative category D
Outdoor Advertising
Creative Billboards
The dove is a symbol of peace and was captured as a monument in 33 cities around the world.
Creative advertising magazine spreads
Quotes of the great advertisers
Fancy pigeon, seen by scientists in a single copy
33 ideas for packages
10 little-known and extremely large animals
As the bats were to bomb Japan (12 pictures)
Dove pretended flamingos
Pictures from the moment like a dove hatched and before he got on the wing.
Pigeon and cat
How to grow doves
21 advertising that sells is not what you think
Brilliant advertising on buses
Ivan Golub
Art print advertising
Advertising placed wisely
Advertising in unexpected places
The Lost Battalion. People and poultry (6 photos)
Creative advertising 9
Advertising that nobody understood
There comes a season when pigeons make nests, this is what you need to do so that they do not decide to breed on your balcony.
Simple logic puzzles for inquisitive minds that can be solved with the whole family!
Creative category D
Outdoor Advertising
Creative Billboards
The dove is a symbol of peace and was captured as a monument in 33 cities around the world.
Creative advertising magazine spreads
Quotes of the great advertisers
Fancy pigeon, seen by scientists in a single copy
33 ideas for packages
10 little-known and extremely large animals
As the bats were to bomb Japan (12 pictures)
Dove pretended flamingos
Pictures from the moment like a dove hatched and before he got on the wing.
Pigeon and cat
How to grow doves
21 advertising that sells is not what you think
Brilliant advertising on buses
Cream for hands free
My favorite camera Hillary Clinton