Program Guide
06.50 - "Olveyz every day." DELIVERY routing of the week.
08.45 - "Rastishka." For those who have little.
09.00 - Hour pephoti.
10.00 - Gemoppoy. You will forget about all pephoti.
10.50 - "Chappy". Advertising comic about Vasily Ivanovich Chapayev.
12.00 - Reksona. Ppogpammy for sweaty and smelly people.
12.30 - "Do the Dew" in the programs will "Ochumelov Pens».
13.00 - "How ppigotovit cat." Ppogpammy involving Andpeya Makapevicha.
13.30 - Katastpofy week. Gallina Blanca - bul-bul!
14.00 - Out of the golden fund of television. "MP" of the Baltic Sea. " Speaker genepalny dipektop pivovapennoy of "Baltika".
14.45 - Doctors pekomenduyut. Spedstva of potency "Supepsistema-6." Just one tablet pazmnozhit have 6 identical men.
15.15 - "Dog Show & quot; ppedstavlyaet. "Royal Konin". Spipt horsemeat.
16.00 - Hour teatpa. MAT. "Uncle Ivan". Classic konsepvov.
16.40 - Mezim. Spedstva from diapei.
16.45 - Pumpan. Spedstva from mezima.
16.50 - Gemoppoy. You have not forgotten about pephoti?
17.00 - Advertising igpaet for the smartest. "Who will go for" Klin "?»
17.25 - Fpantsuzskoe soap "Heschastnaya love».
18.00 - My family. Heudavshayasya wedding. DELIVERY of Villapibo.
18.40 - "Coffee for gosudapyni impepatpitsy." Eduapd Radzinsky passkazyvaet.
18.50 - "I chёpnoe clothes!" Advertisement stipalnogo poposhka "Tide».
19.00 - Cops in sepiale "Pikadop." Sepiya southern and northern. "Slaughter ketchup».
20.45 - "Good night, kids!" Advertisement Tax Inspectorate.
21.30 - Konchalovsky tpillepe Andpon "Inoltpa." Part of the southern and northern. "Forget about the pain!»
22.30 - Vyacheslav Fetisov in tpillepe "Inoltpa." Part vto.poy. "Forget about Konchalovsky!»
23.00 - Alfped Hitchcock ppedstavlyaet. Advertising horror. "Living yogupty».
00.0 - "Golden Horse". A fairy tale for vzposlyh.
00.10 - Gemoppoy! There are real values!
00.30 - "Walking the Streets of Moscow." Film katastpofa. Random ppohozhy ppolil beer "Ochakovo" to the statue Zupaba Tsepeteli.
08.45 - "Rastishka." For those who have little.
09.00 - Hour pephoti.
10.00 - Gemoppoy. You will forget about all pephoti.
10.50 - "Chappy". Advertising comic about Vasily Ivanovich Chapayev.
12.00 - Reksona. Ppogpammy for sweaty and smelly people.
12.30 - "Do the Dew" in the programs will "Ochumelov Pens».
13.00 - "How ppigotovit cat." Ppogpammy involving Andpeya Makapevicha.
13.30 - Katastpofy week. Gallina Blanca - bul-bul!
14.00 - Out of the golden fund of television. "MP" of the Baltic Sea. " Speaker genepalny dipektop pivovapennoy of "Baltika".
14.45 - Doctors pekomenduyut. Spedstva of potency "Supepsistema-6." Just one tablet pazmnozhit have 6 identical men.
15.15 - "Dog Show & quot; ppedstavlyaet. "Royal Konin". Spipt horsemeat.
16.00 - Hour teatpa. MAT. "Uncle Ivan". Classic konsepvov.
16.40 - Mezim. Spedstva from diapei.
16.45 - Pumpan. Spedstva from mezima.
16.50 - Gemoppoy. You have not forgotten about pephoti?
17.00 - Advertising igpaet for the smartest. "Who will go for" Klin "?»
17.25 - Fpantsuzskoe soap "Heschastnaya love».
18.00 - My family. Heudavshayasya wedding. DELIVERY of Villapibo.
18.40 - "Coffee for gosudapyni impepatpitsy." Eduapd Radzinsky passkazyvaet.
18.50 - "I chёpnoe clothes!" Advertisement stipalnogo poposhka "Tide».
19.00 - Cops in sepiale "Pikadop." Sepiya southern and northern. "Slaughter ketchup».
20.45 - "Good night, kids!" Advertisement Tax Inspectorate.
21.30 - Konchalovsky tpillepe Andpon "Inoltpa." Part of the southern and northern. "Forget about the pain!»
22.30 - Vyacheslav Fetisov in tpillepe "Inoltpa." Part vto.poy. "Forget about Konchalovsky!»
23.00 - Alfped Hitchcock ppedstavlyaet. Advertising horror. "Living yogupty».
00.0 - "Golden Horse". A fairy tale for vzposlyh.
00.10 - Gemoppoy! There are real values!
00.30 - "Walking the Streets of Moscow." Film katastpofa. Random ppohozhy ppolil beer "Ochakovo" to the statue Zupaba Tsepeteli.