Two Storey with Anekdot.ru
- You Th so sad, Serge?
- Dream broke!
- What dream?
- Yes, you know, I was a youth fantasy - sex with two women.
- So what?
- Well, last night two friends persuaded.
He brought in a hostel, drank vodka, then another, well, to remove stress.
I laid them on the bed. Vidic switched to an understanding was tape with porn set.
- Well, how?
- Che as a - in a hostel Dubakov, each pulling the blanket over himself. The bed is narrow, we are all under that blanket of marking time.
First Lenka Svetku accidentally caught by the hair, and then she asks Helen wanted to toss on hlebalu shuranula hand, then she climbs through me - the egg completely surrendering!
Damn, I wish Lenka climbed, to the least weight is not present, and this cow eighty kilograms.
Short hour later we were there all vdrys quarreled and almost to blows! But most importantly, that the dream of a kirdyk Khan.
And I'm with this fantasy and with his right hand his youth lived, and everything was so cool. All the fucking fuck!
In the words of a friend.
At work, they have a boy, drives a good car, and often uses it to explore the pretty girls.
It is worth it once in a traffic jam near the girl on a brand new inomarochke. Well, he signaled to her and smiles so lustfully.
She opens the window, he, too, of course, and she gives him so coquettishly:
- You Th think there is no one to fuck me?
From 5 minutes he heard could not go
- Dream broke!
- What dream?
- Yes, you know, I was a youth fantasy - sex with two women.
- So what?
- Well, last night two friends persuaded.
He brought in a hostel, drank vodka, then another, well, to remove stress.
I laid them on the bed. Vidic switched to an understanding was tape with porn set.
- Well, how?
- Che as a - in a hostel Dubakov, each pulling the blanket over himself. The bed is narrow, we are all under that blanket of marking time.
First Lenka Svetku accidentally caught by the hair, and then she asks Helen wanted to toss on hlebalu shuranula hand, then she climbs through me - the egg completely surrendering!
Damn, I wish Lenka climbed, to the least weight is not present, and this cow eighty kilograms.
Short hour later we were there all vdrys quarreled and almost to blows! But most importantly, that the dream of a kirdyk Khan.
And I'm with this fantasy and with his right hand his youth lived, and everything was so cool. All the fucking fuck!
In the words of a friend.
At work, they have a boy, drives a good car, and often uses it to explore the pretty girls.
It is worth it once in a traffic jam near the girl on a brand new inomarochke. Well, he signaled to her and smiles so lustfully.
She opens the window, he, too, of course, and she gives him so coquettishly:
- You Th think there is no one to fuck me?
From 5 minutes he heard could not go