History for motorists))
The story of one day a couple of years ago.
At that time I still went to the oldest golf but bought a little less than the old Colt (who went with a passion for Mitsubishi).
And as my wife did not then drove Golf had to sell. On this natural wonder, who manage to boil even at minus five degrees and adored at the plant to throw out all the oil evenly on the asphalt still found the buyer. Moreover, the buyer had the same dealer who sold it to me, and !!! One hitch, the buyer is located in the town of Great Luke. (470 km. From Moscow).
But, for the present Baltic dzhYgYta, the more that has the same pals who are ready at two battered life vehicles in February, under the light storm to ride for several regions of Russia, 1000 miles - not hook!
It should be noted that both of us drove with Sergei (my companion for this event) at the time were still APB.
So plan:
We have to go (I have to Colt, Serge on the Golf) at 5 o'clock in the morning in the direction of Great Luke, in order to have time on Saturday to 12 to execute documents on the ground there. At Colt is back on Sunday afternoon, as Saturday night bath, and a planned light celebration sale Golf).
It should be noted that the Course was clearly something of their own, a person would refer to consciousness. And, apparently after a stay and receive transits this consciousness began to "plagued by vague doubts» ©. To start it just once again boiled at zero temperature. I took the matter pofigisticheski, defended, refilled antifreeze, etc. The next day, when you press the clutch pedal began to distribute light crunch. Zero attention on my part. By Thursday crunch began to turn around people from neighboring machines, and I realized that golf needs a little attention to a person anything unlike my car understanding. Such was found in the person of the chief mechanic of our organization. Verdict - do not bathe, just simply rust in the rope of a drive of coupling. Pour the oil or blow out / rinse.
Well, I did the Baltic states! Well I used to approach the matter thoroughly! Estestsvenno these words in my mind of adolescence virtually even for a few hours turned into the idea to go to wash the engine. Type also will look decently.
Invented - done. On Friday evening (in fact, less than 10 hours before the expected start), I drove this iron horse on the sink. We must pay tribute to me, I made the chief sink actually swear on the blood, with the engine after the purification procedure nothing will happen and I'll get to your destination.
The engine is washed with a slight fear ... I turn on the ignition - wound. Otlichnenko. Food savit car in the garage and to save time, I call in the morning to the supermarket to stock up with water and chips for the trip. Coming out of the supermarket get in the car ...
Includes - does not start. Blah ... What it is ... How to be ??? I called Serega. (Two floor heads are better than one, and generally it is closest at the time was). Open the hood. We come to the conclusion that something is moist from washing and it should be something urgent to find until frozen (outside zero). Okay, so in front of the supermarket and poking around. We disconnect all that is possible, evaluate and connect back. Rezalty - zero. In the process I can think of another great idea - to put an alarm on the service mode that God forbid not yelled. Invented - done. Forty seconds starts screaming alarm.
It should be noted that at this point I was driving, trying once again to start the car. And Serge just bent over the engine in thinking what would disunite still here ...
Well, you know, right? The sound of the beep of the miracle of the German automotive industry and always made all turn around. But it is in the closed hood. And in the open? And if you still have almost ear sound source?
In general, a few earrings thrown from the car as if the blast. I jumped out from behind the wheel. Keychain Alarm neither pressed nor any mat throwing on zem not respond. The machine beeps like to cut. People entering and exiting the store a bit surprised. WHAT TO DO????
Thankfully guessed slam the hood. The noise was less. A minute later came to his senses and Serge. A minute later, he began to speak. We agreed that it is necessary to quickly open the hood, a wire leading to a snack dynamics continue to think in silence. And it did work! Serge broke the wire with their bare hands (I later tried in a quiet environment to do it myself. Those guys without nepoluchilos pliers), he was so angry. We think. I guess that when setting the machine to the service mode I turned Mode Anti Hijack. I mean, OR and disobedience to the unit to fully discharge. What to do? Books for signalization estetsvenno there and I have a dog I do not remember. But there is a miracle of the 20th century - a mobile phone, itit it ... We call for service which put signalization. And two minutes later a malicious machine defeated, not blinking emergency gang. In general, we have to dig deeper half an hour, we found what it was ... Of course not in the damp. Send to a terminal wire from the coil in the candle.
But! Early to relax! A fully discharged battery is the same. The starter can not start the car ... we threw for Seregina eight, threw wire bred.
Serge tired eyes followed me for a couple of beers in the shop, admonished by the words "Well, you get up at four to make sure it does not start and call me, so I did not get up," and went to sleep.
Morning. 5:00 clock rang, 2 minutes brushing your teeth washing and dressing.
I went down to the garage. I include the ... factory!
I called Sergei, saying that podryhnut he did not succeed. But his mother stands up. Customized Course to its entrance. For Colt himself go. I drove up Colt ... ASO.
Leather leads. What? NAIL. The left front wheel. What do the two of us, well, we do not change the wheel quick something ... spare wheel gets out of the trunk, the car jack rises ... The key does not fit. That summer to spit on everything and go back to sleep at home. But the chill bracing. On the golf course with Sergey to his garage for a set of tools. Garage is, there is no set. That is so yesterday was straight, and now - well, is not all. Okay. In Saburovo. The benefit is not far away. Convenience Store parts, his mother ...
It is understood that the night of Friday to Saturday and winter and all that ...
But why in addition to the kiosk with Coca-Cola, and all departments are closed fare?
Okay, once we reached Saburovo - then my office nearby. Oh, there it just mechanics on duty around the clock. Took them a key, went rearranged wheel.
(Important point - no one thought that the spare wheel is no more) After a delay of 40 minutes left to go. Though angry at all, but the mood is generally positive. In Luke we still in time, selling Golf, the weather nichche. On the road - not a soul, the beauty of winter Riga route ahead. Volokolamke went perfectly. After Volokolamsk another bell. From the road soars flock of sparrows. One does not have time, spot on lobovuhe. It's a pity, but what do ...
Gender way. Tver region. We decided to go out for a smoke and stretch your legs. Smoke.
We sit in the car, I notice that there is no radio. And it is necessary that otmtit track multiple machines when we go - always take radios. Very handy when overtaking the caravan. Well, where is she? In !!!! .. Had the ruts apparently when he left. Thank God that no one of those 5-7 minutes is not passed.
We go further. Another bell. From wheels riding on a meeting Furik Kamenyuki flies and flies right into the windshield. As conductive remember. Such a thing seemed a long flight ... goes straight to the corner. Good that the main impact energy assumed desk. But the crack in the glass is still there. It was only later and later went under the glass and replace rack on straightening. at that time I did not even stop.
70 km. to Look Great. Overtaking three Furyk going caravan. Great beat, but when you return to your lane tsapanul sugrobik lying between opposite direction. It should be noted that we already went through the snow, but the middle of the road sugrobik was virgin. The car leads to level I did not have time, have a particular caught the snow at the edge of the road ...
As a result, off the road.
Solids trip:
Sold golf (still have)
At Colt:
dent on the rear left wing, a broken bumper, under the glass replacement, stand for straightening.
And of course it was fun to sit earrings in golf, as we dangled to the nearest tire as spare wheels were not, and one of the cameras has suffered the departure from the track. He still remembers this picture:
Deserted snowy landscape, he is alone in the car on three wheels and a jack, which shakes every time a passing Furyk. Radio catches only one community radio, and broadcast it on radopostanovku "Woe from Wit».
Author Gem
At that time I still went to the oldest golf but bought a little less than the old Colt (who went with a passion for Mitsubishi).
And as my wife did not then drove Golf had to sell. On this natural wonder, who manage to boil even at minus five degrees and adored at the plant to throw out all the oil evenly on the asphalt still found the buyer. Moreover, the buyer had the same dealer who sold it to me, and !!! One hitch, the buyer is located in the town of Great Luke. (470 km. From Moscow).
But, for the present Baltic dzhYgYta, the more that has the same pals who are ready at two battered life vehicles in February, under the light storm to ride for several regions of Russia, 1000 miles - not hook!
It should be noted that both of us drove with Sergei (my companion for this event) at the time were still APB.
So plan:
We have to go (I have to Colt, Serge on the Golf) at 5 o'clock in the morning in the direction of Great Luke, in order to have time on Saturday to 12 to execute documents on the ground there. At Colt is back on Sunday afternoon, as Saturday night bath, and a planned light celebration sale Golf).
It should be noted that the Course was clearly something of their own, a person would refer to consciousness. And, apparently after a stay and receive transits this consciousness began to "plagued by vague doubts» ©. To start it just once again boiled at zero temperature. I took the matter pofigisticheski, defended, refilled antifreeze, etc. The next day, when you press the clutch pedal began to distribute light crunch. Zero attention on my part. By Thursday crunch began to turn around people from neighboring machines, and I realized that golf needs a little attention to a person anything unlike my car understanding. Such was found in the person of the chief mechanic of our organization. Verdict - do not bathe, just simply rust in the rope of a drive of coupling. Pour the oil or blow out / rinse.
Well, I did the Baltic states! Well I used to approach the matter thoroughly! Estestsvenno these words in my mind of adolescence virtually even for a few hours turned into the idea to go to wash the engine. Type also will look decently.
Invented - done. On Friday evening (in fact, less than 10 hours before the expected start), I drove this iron horse on the sink. We must pay tribute to me, I made the chief sink actually swear on the blood, with the engine after the purification procedure nothing will happen and I'll get to your destination.
The engine is washed with a slight fear ... I turn on the ignition - wound. Otlichnenko. Food savit car in the garage and to save time, I call in the morning to the supermarket to stock up with water and chips for the trip. Coming out of the supermarket get in the car ...
Includes - does not start. Blah ... What it is ... How to be ??? I called Serega. (Two floor heads are better than one, and generally it is closest at the time was). Open the hood. We come to the conclusion that something is moist from washing and it should be something urgent to find until frozen (outside zero). Okay, so in front of the supermarket and poking around. We disconnect all that is possible, evaluate and connect back. Rezalty - zero. In the process I can think of another great idea - to put an alarm on the service mode that God forbid not yelled. Invented - done. Forty seconds starts screaming alarm.
It should be noted that at this point I was driving, trying once again to start the car. And Serge just bent over the engine in thinking what would disunite still here ...
Well, you know, right? The sound of the beep of the miracle of the German automotive industry and always made all turn around. But it is in the closed hood. And in the open? And if you still have almost ear sound source?
In general, a few earrings thrown from the car as if the blast. I jumped out from behind the wheel. Keychain Alarm neither pressed nor any mat throwing on zem not respond. The machine beeps like to cut. People entering and exiting the store a bit surprised. WHAT TO DO????
Thankfully guessed slam the hood. The noise was less. A minute later came to his senses and Serge. A minute later, he began to speak. We agreed that it is necessary to quickly open the hood, a wire leading to a snack dynamics continue to think in silence. And it did work! Serge broke the wire with their bare hands (I later tried in a quiet environment to do it myself. Those guys without nepoluchilos pliers), he was so angry. We think. I guess that when setting the machine to the service mode I turned Mode Anti Hijack. I mean, OR and disobedience to the unit to fully discharge. What to do? Books for signalization estetsvenno there and I have a dog I do not remember. But there is a miracle of the 20th century - a mobile phone, itit it ... We call for service which put signalization. And two minutes later a malicious machine defeated, not blinking emergency gang. In general, we have to dig deeper half an hour, we found what it was ... Of course not in the damp. Send to a terminal wire from the coil in the candle.
But! Early to relax! A fully discharged battery is the same. The starter can not start the car ... we threw for Seregina eight, threw wire bred.
Serge tired eyes followed me for a couple of beers in the shop, admonished by the words "Well, you get up at four to make sure it does not start and call me, so I did not get up," and went to sleep.
Morning. 5:00 clock rang, 2 minutes brushing your teeth washing and dressing.
I went down to the garage. I include the ... factory!
I called Sergei, saying that podryhnut he did not succeed. But his mother stands up. Customized Course to its entrance. For Colt himself go. I drove up Colt ... ASO.
Leather leads. What? NAIL. The left front wheel. What do the two of us, well, we do not change the wheel quick something ... spare wheel gets out of the trunk, the car jack rises ... The key does not fit. That summer to spit on everything and go back to sleep at home. But the chill bracing. On the golf course with Sergey to his garage for a set of tools. Garage is, there is no set. That is so yesterday was straight, and now - well, is not all. Okay. In Saburovo. The benefit is not far away. Convenience Store parts, his mother ...
It is understood that the night of Friday to Saturday and winter and all that ...
But why in addition to the kiosk with Coca-Cola, and all departments are closed fare?
Okay, once we reached Saburovo - then my office nearby. Oh, there it just mechanics on duty around the clock. Took them a key, went rearranged wheel.
(Important point - no one thought that the spare wheel is no more) After a delay of 40 minutes left to go. Though angry at all, but the mood is generally positive. In Luke we still in time, selling Golf, the weather nichche. On the road - not a soul, the beauty of winter Riga route ahead. Volokolamke went perfectly. After Volokolamsk another bell. From the road soars flock of sparrows. One does not have time, spot on lobovuhe. It's a pity, but what do ...
Gender way. Tver region. We decided to go out for a smoke and stretch your legs. Smoke.
We sit in the car, I notice that there is no radio. And it is necessary that otmtit track multiple machines when we go - always take radios. Very handy when overtaking the caravan. Well, where is she? In !!!! .. Had the ruts apparently when he left. Thank God that no one of those 5-7 minutes is not passed.
We go further. Another bell. From wheels riding on a meeting Furik Kamenyuki flies and flies right into the windshield. As conductive remember. Such a thing seemed a long flight ... goes straight to the corner. Good that the main impact energy assumed desk. But the crack in the glass is still there. It was only later and later went under the glass and replace rack on straightening. at that time I did not even stop.
70 km. to Look Great. Overtaking three Furyk going caravan. Great beat, but when you return to your lane tsapanul sugrobik lying between opposite direction. It should be noted that we already went through the snow, but the middle of the road sugrobik was virgin. The car leads to level I did not have time, have a particular caught the snow at the edge of the road ...
As a result, off the road.
Solids trip:
Sold golf (still have)
At Colt:
dent on the rear left wing, a broken bumper, under the glass replacement, stand for straightening.
And of course it was fun to sit earrings in golf, as we dangled to the nearest tire as spare wheels were not, and one of the cameras has suffered the departure from the track. He still remembers this picture:
Deserted snowy landscape, he is alone in the car on three wheels and a jack, which shakes every time a passing Furyk. Radio catches only one community radio, and broadcast it on radopostanovku "Woe from Wit».
Author Gem
Whether Anek, or history ...
People and Leaning Tower. A slightly different angle and they are funny.