Chukovsky in the spirit of our time)))
Tilifon woke up with a hangover:
This hellish called Soton.
- First, nah!
- Says Zavulon!
- Where?
- From Hollywood!
- Luser What do you want?
- And I came a minute yadu!
- For some f you yadu nedetskavo?
- For Antona for Gorodetskogo!
- And how to send?
- Leitrim three or five,
It does not take less,
I have it briskly gloomy ...
And then I called Medved;
And I started, I started:
- PREVED !!!
- Uzhosnah! Not revite!
Niasilil: what do you want?
And he just "Ha!" And "Lol!»
Not Medved, a clean ass.
Go and Go to Beavertown, you animal!
And behind him called Krokodill
And nipadetski break:
- I was, nah, kids
Zaipala morning:
Like, they Obtain the latest "Potter» ...
PeysatEl, help me out,
File download on the soap:
Treating, nah, Berdichevsky «porter»!
- You suck. Do not you
Last week
He fills the "Harry" again and again, am I?
- Adnaznachna DOWNLOAD -
But we read.
All stomps and sausage without the new!
- You chuvag, ahrenel:
Look what wanted!
Not ready translation - even the Fan.
So quickly learn Albanian!
We called Shahidy-Zajchatki:
- Can you send vzryffchatki?
- In gazenvagen, foshshYsty filthy!
And then I called Zwin'ja:
- I love Pelevin!
Under the joint and "Snowball»
I read between the lines:
Like, I also advanced!
- No, Pelevin, she-she,
Not Zwin-wrote for her - Honor-ka you better Fuflyshkina!
But her call Tsapli:
- We again stepped on a rake:
We ubilis up the wall, divide,
Obkurilis grass, my preles-with-st,
In one booth all pereimelis,
And we zhyvot ached.
- And I niipet, krossavetsy!
And such pofigen - all day:
- Give two!
- 1!
- WTF?
That Udaff call, the Olen '...
And recently two Gazelli
Zakonnektilis and sang:
- It is true that fonntasty
And peysaty and cheeky,
And Kumar them, and bummer,
And in his dreams - one loot?
- You used, Gazelli, less bzdeli,
And next week
Would give up television,
Internet and even on the radio!
But do not listen to Gazelli
And by your words baldeli,
Obdolbivshis negligee
In foggy LJ -
Ah, Mademoiselle, hang-ka tube!
A recent morning
Spam fell from lenta.ru,
And a large spam megabaytisty ...
I have not slept for three nights, I was tired -
Tilifon me stsuko got!
I lay on the bed,
Ehrenburg read,
But as soon as I lay down -
- Who is this? !!!
- Nosorock!
- What happened?
- Trouble, trouble!
Connect quickly here!
- What's the matter?
- Help!
- Who?
- "Idiot»!
I failed to internet swamp!
- Okay, I will soon find,
Copyright steal
And put into general use.
How many gigs in your "Idiot»? !!!
- So you find out if you can find ...
... Yes, it's not an easy job -
From Tyrneta drag "Idiot»! ..: - ((((((
Blogadoryat Karneya Chukoffskogo author of the source, and Cyril and Methodius © - for kindly laid out in the Public Domain letters of the alphabet.
© GL Oldie. 2006
This hellish called Soton.
- First, nah!
- Says Zavulon!
- Where?
- From Hollywood!
- Luser What do you want?
- And I came a minute yadu!
- For some f you yadu nedetskavo?
- For Antona for Gorodetskogo!
- And how to send?
- Leitrim three or five,
It does not take less,
I have it briskly gloomy ...
And then I called Medved;
And I started, I started:
- PREVED !!!
- Uzhosnah! Not revite!
Niasilil: what do you want?
And he just "Ha!" And "Lol!»
Not Medved, a clean ass.
Go and Go to Beavertown, you animal!
And behind him called Krokodill
And nipadetski break:
- I was, nah, kids
Zaipala morning:
Like, they Obtain the latest "Potter» ...
PeysatEl, help me out,
File download on the soap:
Treating, nah, Berdichevsky «porter»!
- You suck. Do not you
Last week
He fills the "Harry" again and again, am I?
- Adnaznachna DOWNLOAD -
But we read.
All stomps and sausage without the new!
- You chuvag, ahrenel:
Look what wanted!
Not ready translation - even the Fan.
So quickly learn Albanian!
We called Shahidy-Zajchatki:
- Can you send vzryffchatki?
- In gazenvagen, foshshYsty filthy!
And then I called Zwin'ja:
- I love Pelevin!
Under the joint and "Snowball»
I read between the lines:
Like, I also advanced!
- No, Pelevin, she-she,
Not Zwin-wrote for her - Honor-ka you better Fuflyshkina!
But her call Tsapli:
- We again stepped on a rake:
We ubilis up the wall, divide,
Obkurilis grass, my preles-with-st,
In one booth all pereimelis,
And we zhyvot ached.
- And I niipet, krossavetsy!
And such pofigen - all day:
- Give two!
- 1!
- WTF?
That Udaff call, the Olen '...
And recently two Gazelli
Zakonnektilis and sang:
- It is true that fonntasty
And peysaty and cheeky,
And Kumar them, and bummer,
And in his dreams - one loot?
- You used, Gazelli, less bzdeli,
And next week
Would give up television,
Internet and even on the radio!
But do not listen to Gazelli
And by your words baldeli,
Obdolbivshis negligee
In foggy LJ -
Ah, Mademoiselle, hang-ka tube!
A recent morning
Spam fell from lenta.ru,
And a large spam megabaytisty ...
I have not slept for three nights, I was tired -
Tilifon me stsuko got!
I lay on the bed,
Ehrenburg read,
But as soon as I lay down -
- Who is this? !!!
- Nosorock!
- What happened?
- Trouble, trouble!
Connect quickly here!
- What's the matter?
- Help!
- Who?
- "Idiot»!
I failed to internet swamp!
- Okay, I will soon find,
Copyright steal
And put into general use.
How many gigs in your "Idiot»? !!!
- So you find out if you can find ...
... Yes, it's not an easy job -
From Tyrneta drag "Idiot»! ..: - ((((((
Blogadoryat Karneya Chukoffskogo author of the source, and Cyril and Methodius © - for kindly laid out in the Public Domain letters of the alphabet.
© GL Oldie. 2006
Many so on Monday evacuated? Resuscitation beer
Yesterday's storm and sinkhole on the street. Academician Queen