Distribution of ICQ

[b] Distribution of ICQ - 1 six-signs +50 semiznakov [/ b]
[b] only to users with avatars! [/ b]
[b] six-signs +5 semiznakov get someone who will draw a nice banner for our website [/ b]
Dimensions: 120x600 and 468x60
[b] in the comments write desired number. Passwords will be sent through a privat
268147+ 5 semiznakov -For banners
~~ ~~ 7278902 8212750 7411903
~~ ~~ 7282875 8215401 7412100
~~ ~~ 7293362 8223289 7414032
~~ ~~ 7297304 8225970 7477553
~~ ~~ 7303195 8289261 7486366
~~ ~~ 7304927 8309966 7488895
~~ ~~ 7307048 8317027 7489943
~~ ~~ 7308168 8327602 7519092
~~ ~~ 7310499 8329333 7524944
~~ ~~ 7342421 8335225 7525061
7365222 7526745 ~~~~~~~
7371032 7539150 ~~~~~~~
7374400 8146198 ~~~~~~~
7375030 8152918 ~~~~~~~
7377430 8174134 ~~~~~~~
7395365 8175911 ~~~~~~~
7398813 8182174 ~~~~~~~
7403151 8184504 ~~~~~~~
7411046 8206449 ~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~ 7411612 8212338 [/ b]