Serduchka is presented to the highest state award

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said he would make Andrew Danilko represent Ukraine at the international song contest "Eurovision-2007" Hero of Ukraine.
Some political forces have already shown interest in order to take Serduchka into their ranks. For example, leaders of the People's Party decided to include the Environmental Danilko in its election list.
"That moral support Danilko Andrew, I think - brilliant artist, we decided to include it in the top five of our electoral list!" - Said the head of the People's Ecological Party Valentin Serdyuk.
According to him, Danilko "he did for Ukraine more than 450 corrupt deputies who trade under the dome of the country».
Verka Serduchka on the kind of attention from politicians stated the following: "Politics did not interest me. I am a folk singer! I do not want to be a member ».
Recall that on May 12 in Helsinki, Finland hosted the final of Eurovision-2007. The winner of the contest was the Serbian singer Marija Serifovic with song Prayer. Ukrainian Verka Serduchka with a theatrical number Dancing Lasha Tumbai ranked second.
The only country that has not given Serduchka not one point, turned Albania. All other performances of Ukrainian state noted participants.
The maximum score, 12 points, Ukraine has received from Portugal, the Czech Republic, Latvia and Poland. 10 points - from Georgia and Israel. And 8 from Lithuania, Estonia, Russia and the UK.