Karaoke and Bin Laden

Andrei neighbors funny. He lives in the Forest-Vodice, there is generally quite a colorful crowd gathered. Well, these people are quite harmless, but some oddities. I noticed it as something that they are building a cart pale grebe home priperli (although such a thing - maybe Pelevin re-read), the karaoke will yell (again, and that after the mushrooms do?) And so - it is even narodec peace. Labor in peace. There is build.
But on that day some mismatching of horoscopes happened. Neighbors came to visit, was covered dastarkhan for the occasion. Well, the main dish - karaoke. TV, amplifier, speakers - into the yard. And - walk soul. Andryukha but somehow did not lay down in the suit Verka Serduchka, and he pulled back on the terrace and its speakers kerf Black Sabbath. Serduchka somehow became inaudible. But over the fence began to fly Crazy firecrackers. "The war, however," - Andrei thought. However nakladochka came in mushroom lovers delights. The fact that in his youth Andryukha helluva lot of fond pyrotechnic chemistry. And in order not to lose the skills periodically practiced in the manufacture of all sorts of crap exploding. Just recently kneading his left three bombs made of lead oxide and aluminum powder.
The first two went under the table and, although exploded quite impressive, but not too much damage to the enemy struck. But the third fell on the table. After the explosion, one of the saucers started from the table and lands right in a vase of flowers, standing next to the stereo system. Vase falls, the water in the center, the center is discharged into the electrical, standing directly beneath it. A large iridescent glow, and then completely turning the entire neighbor Electrofacilities.
Was summoned to the district, which, however, knowing the circumstances, first long neighing, and then wrote neighbors penalty for violation of public order. It turned out he was also not a fan of Serduchka. But Ozzy and Sabbath were much closer to him.
The next day Andrew went out of the gate, met a neighbor. That gave him absolutely crazy eyes and hissed, "Bin Laden fucking."