Treasures that are looking for!

10th place: The Treasures of the Incas. For that to release from the Spanish Inca emperor Atahualpa captivity, the conquistador Pizarro demanded a ransom: for two months to fill the gold room where Atahualpa was imprisoned. It is nearly 50 cubic meters of gold! A pile of gold rose, and yet when the two months expired, the room had not yet been filled. Although Atahualpa Pizarro convinced that the wait a little bit, he decided to execute him. When the news of the death of Atahualpa, the road was eleven thousand llamas loaded with gold.
9th place: Gold McKenna. It is believed that the White Mountains, located near the town of Kenab in Utah, the treasure is buried the last Aztec emperor Montezuma. This mysterious cache can not detect for more than 450 years, and the cost of treasures valued at $ 10 billion.
8th place: The Treasure of the Knights Templar. In 1306 the French King Philip, together with the Grand Inquisitor of France executed a Master and all the members of the Order of the Knights Templar, as he learned that the Order has some untold riches. However, despite the detailed instructions found later in the grave Master, the treasure was never found.
7th place: Treasure of the Knights Templar. In 1306 the French King Philip, together with the Grand Inquisitor of France executed a Master and all the members of the Order of the Knights Templar, as he learned that the Order has some untold riches. However, despite the detailed instructions found later in the grave Master, the treasure was never found.
6th place: Convoy John Lackland. The convoy, which was carrying the entire treasury of King-loser, got into a quagmire. Did not survive the loss of John the next day he died. Lost Treasures times unsuccessfully searched. During this time, the swamp has had time to dry. Former bog area is 450 hectares.
5th place: The tomb of Attila. According to legend, the Huns, seeing their leader on his last journey, upholstered his casket with gold plates and arranged in the tomb treasury. It is believed that the tomb of Attila is somewhere near modern Budapest.
4th place: The Treasures of Genghis Khan. To a place of burial Khan were taken to its wealth. Over a buried tomb drove a herd of horses. Active performers were killed. Where is the middle of the broad Mongolian steppe is a place no one knows.
3rd place: King Solomon's Mines. Based on data drawn from the Old Testament, treasure hunters are trying to find mine biggest preserved native gold mine. The place is well known that the copy must be located in the Arabian Peninsula.
2nd place: the Holy Grail - the cup from which Jesus ate the Last Supper.
1st place: Treasure Island. Island, Stevenson described in the novel, in fact, called Coconut. Buried treasure it found so far. They say there is buried brought from Peru statue of Our Lady as a man of pure gold weighing 500 kg., Decorated with emeralds and pearls. According to some reports, there is hidden treasure from the fantastic fifty chests of gold church utensils, decorated with six hundred large topaz, two hundred large emeralds and diamonds, as well as 9000 in Mexico minted gold coins.