The most unusual treasures
Find the treasure - a dream of many children, and many people professionally engaged in the search for treasure and maturity. Modern science helps in this, providing them with a variety of advanced metal detectors, radar and other search devices. I offer a few stories about how people find unusual treasures in unusual places, quite by accident.
Viking treasures
In 870 one Swedish hid his rich collection of jewelry and Arab coins on the floor of his home on the island Botland. In this area - in the territory of modern Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania - home to many wealthy people, and practice upryatyvaniya precious things in the floor of the house was common due to the fact that the banks have not yet invented. Treasure waiting in the wings 11 centuries, until in 2000 it was not revealed and evaluated. The sum of all jewelry and coins amounted to more than 400,000 pounds. What's even more interesting, the researchers suggest that such treasures in the said territory may be several hundred, and most of them are waiting for their discoverers. I think the residents of the Baltic countries have much of a chance over time to improve their financial situation, because according to historians, it turns out that the treasures hidden in almost every yard
Ring in the church
Woman from North Wales in the UK has finally been able to unite with the loss after several decades. Even when she was 16 years old, Carice Williams lost ring given to her parents in the church. Most likely it rolled under the floor, and at the time, after searching the premises, the ring was found. Every time she came to church, she again thought of the loss, but only 30 years later, when the building started a repair and replacement of the sexes, she has a chance. The woman was interviewed by UK Telegraph, which spoke about her case. For security reasons, it was not allowed into the territory parsed building, and only thanks to the responsiveness of one of the workers who dug three o'clock in the debris, managed to find the lost treasure. Now Karis again wore on his finger that same ring and argues that to remove it and save more is not going to.
Can not buy happiness
People with a passion for hoarding usually make strange things, such as buying on sales of used heaps of different things, clothes, shoes, pictures and other stuff.
In dwelling couples from the city of Surrey, England, were found paintings, money, old engravings thousands of pounds that the head of the family scraped together for all time when he lived in this house.
After his death in 2000, his wife all day sitting by the window, and a few years later was placed in a psychiatric hospital, where later died. Prior to her death, the house was abandoned in the rooms settled birds, windows were broken, and the general appearance of his appearance was very uncomfortable. Later, workers who are engaged in cleaning the premises of debris found in various places many old coins, old books in the original covers and other expensive antiques.
According to neighbors, the couple was very unsociable, guests are not accepted, the house itself with their lives, too, did not differ appearance - there was no mat at the entrance, the curtains on the windows, and weeds in the yard stood a man's height.
This case is fully explains the validity of the term "happiness money can not buy." Though perhaps for the inhabitants of the house and such a life was happiness ...
Gender of road signs
One English family received an unexpected boost to the family budget in the amount of 20,000 pounds thanks to that found in their house a treasure.
Treasure proved themselves floorboards, which, as it turned out, are plaques with the names of cities and railway stations of the last century. Several of these tablets bought a music producer, paid fifteen hundred pounds!
As it turned out, the floor did one worker railway depot, where he worked in 1950-1960-ies, and made it qualitatively - he served the owners for over 40 years.
In the house of the lucky owners of a museum of different labels that indicate the city and stations, some of which no longer exist.
This is a paradise for lovers of old
Centennial whiskey in the barn
Polar team worked on the restoration of abandoned polar station, and during his work has found significant reserves of well-preserved temples.
These stocks had left one of the expeditions to the South Pole, and due to the low temperature drink well preserved, although many of the bottle cracked from the cold.
On-site explorers I'd take myself a bottle of memory, but it turns out that property they do not own under international law, so now the bottle transferred to various organizations for the study (yes). Richard Paterson, chief taster company Whyte and Mackay.
Roman treasures
Multi-million dollar collection of silver coins was found under the floor of a tiny room in a house in Rome.
Found it was Martin and Kevin Elliott - treasure hunters armed with metal detectors. Found coins date back to the 1st century BC - third century AD, and belonged, as suggested, the owner of the house, quite a rich man. on some coins depicted the victory of Mark Antony in the battles that he actually lost on other shows Dresser - a man who once renamed Rome.
Cache itself was small, and wonder how it fits a precious treasure. By the way, Martin and Elliott gave the collection to the museum Tanton
Treasures of Auschwitz
Ancient Jewish candlestick - menorah - was found under the building a synagogue in Poland in Auschwitz.
In this city, as you know, was one of the biggest concentration camps during World War II, and many Jewish buildings and places of worship were looted and destroyed. In the course of excavations carried out in our time, were discovered bronze chandeliers, bronze menorah, a lot of candlesticks, lamp, marble slabs and many other finds. Synagogue in whose territory the findings were discovered, was burned by the Nazis in 1939, killing more than 6,000 Jews.
Now it became the Jewish center in Auschwitz, where among the exhibits telling about the life of Jews before the war, there is this big candlestick.
Saddam and the treasures
The ancient city of Assur on the Tigris River contains probably the largest number of hoards. This is one of the oldest cities in the world, it organized the first large library, the first aqueduct and paved road ...
In 1988, an Iraqi archaeologist muses Hussein during the examination of an ancient palace of the ruler Nimrod found the secret entrance to the treasury, which was a large number of ancient jewelry made of gold.
In the next three years, each year a new found treasure house full of gold jewelry and other jewelry. Later, the war prevented further archaeological research, and the fate of the other findings is unknown.
Author: Les Kuralov
Source: http: //

Viking treasures
In 870 one Swedish hid his rich collection of jewelry and Arab coins on the floor of his home on the island Botland. In this area - in the territory of modern Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania - home to many wealthy people, and practice upryatyvaniya precious things in the floor of the house was common due to the fact that the banks have not yet invented. Treasure waiting in the wings 11 centuries, until in 2000 it was not revealed and evaluated. The sum of all jewelry and coins amounted to more than 400,000 pounds. What's even more interesting, the researchers suggest that such treasures in the said territory may be several hundred, and most of them are waiting for their discoverers. I think the residents of the Baltic countries have much of a chance over time to improve their financial situation, because according to historians, it turns out that the treasures hidden in almost every yard

Ring in the church
Woman from North Wales in the UK has finally been able to unite with the loss after several decades. Even when she was 16 years old, Carice Williams lost ring given to her parents in the church. Most likely it rolled under the floor, and at the time, after searching the premises, the ring was found. Every time she came to church, she again thought of the loss, but only 30 years later, when the building started a repair and replacement of the sexes, she has a chance. The woman was interviewed by UK Telegraph, which spoke about her case. For security reasons, it was not allowed into the territory parsed building, and only thanks to the responsiveness of one of the workers who dug three o'clock in the debris, managed to find the lost treasure. Now Karis again wore on his finger that same ring and argues that to remove it and save more is not going to.

Can not buy happiness
People with a passion for hoarding usually make strange things, such as buying on sales of used heaps of different things, clothes, shoes, pictures and other stuff.
In dwelling couples from the city of Surrey, England, were found paintings, money, old engravings thousands of pounds that the head of the family scraped together for all time when he lived in this house.
After his death in 2000, his wife all day sitting by the window, and a few years later was placed in a psychiatric hospital, where later died. Prior to her death, the house was abandoned in the rooms settled birds, windows were broken, and the general appearance of his appearance was very uncomfortable. Later, workers who are engaged in cleaning the premises of debris found in various places many old coins, old books in the original covers and other expensive antiques.
According to neighbors, the couple was very unsociable, guests are not accepted, the house itself with their lives, too, did not differ appearance - there was no mat at the entrance, the curtains on the windows, and weeds in the yard stood a man's height.
This case is fully explains the validity of the term "happiness money can not buy." Though perhaps for the inhabitants of the house and such a life was happiness ...

Gender of road signs
One English family received an unexpected boost to the family budget in the amount of 20,000 pounds thanks to that found in their house a treasure.
Treasure proved themselves floorboards, which, as it turned out, are plaques with the names of cities and railway stations of the last century. Several of these tablets bought a music producer, paid fifteen hundred pounds!
As it turned out, the floor did one worker railway depot, where he worked in 1950-1960-ies, and made it qualitatively - he served the owners for over 40 years.
In the house of the lucky owners of a museum of different labels that indicate the city and stations, some of which no longer exist.
This is a paradise for lovers of old

Centennial whiskey in the barn
Polar team worked on the restoration of abandoned polar station, and during his work has found significant reserves of well-preserved temples.
These stocks had left one of the expeditions to the South Pole, and due to the low temperature drink well preserved, although many of the bottle cracked from the cold.
On-site explorers I'd take myself a bottle of memory, but it turns out that property they do not own under international law, so now the bottle transferred to various organizations for the study (yes). Richard Paterson, chief taster company Whyte and Mackay.

Roman treasures
Multi-million dollar collection of silver coins was found under the floor of a tiny room in a house in Rome.
Found it was Martin and Kevin Elliott - treasure hunters armed with metal detectors. Found coins date back to the 1st century BC - third century AD, and belonged, as suggested, the owner of the house, quite a rich man. on some coins depicted the victory of Mark Antony in the battles that he actually lost on other shows Dresser - a man who once renamed Rome.
Cache itself was small, and wonder how it fits a precious treasure. By the way, Martin and Elliott gave the collection to the museum Tanton

Treasures of Auschwitz
Ancient Jewish candlestick - menorah - was found under the building a synagogue in Poland in Auschwitz.
In this city, as you know, was one of the biggest concentration camps during World War II, and many Jewish buildings and places of worship were looted and destroyed. In the course of excavations carried out in our time, were discovered bronze chandeliers, bronze menorah, a lot of candlesticks, lamp, marble slabs and many other finds. Synagogue in whose territory the findings were discovered, was burned by the Nazis in 1939, killing more than 6,000 Jews.
Now it became the Jewish center in Auschwitz, where among the exhibits telling about the life of Jews before the war, there is this big candlestick.

Saddam and the treasures
The ancient city of Assur on the Tigris River contains probably the largest number of hoards. This is one of the oldest cities in the world, it organized the first large library, the first aqueduct and paved road ...
In 1988, an Iraqi archaeologist muses Hussein during the examination of an ancient palace of the ruler Nimrod found the secret entrance to the treasury, which was a large number of ancient jewelry made of gold.
In the next three years, each year a new found treasure house full of gold jewelry and other jewelry. Later, the war prevented further archaeological research, and the fate of the other findings is unknown.
Author: Les Kuralov

Source: http: //