Published previously unknown photo Lady Di
William captures mom and brother during their visit to Highgrove to a close friend of Diana and her former roommate, Carolyn Bartholomew.
Mary Bruce, son of nurse Carolyn princes borrowed my camera, which they captured their radiant light and heat mom ...
A few months later, Mary died and the mother of his son Paton gave the promised pictures. "Diana was photographed many times, but these pictures are special," - emphasizes the lucky owner.
"I think Mary would have been happy to see that these photos are now published. And I'm sure they will deliver all the same great pleasure to me and my son "- admitted Isabella Paton ... (Photo from the website Daily Mail, photo report prepared by the newspaper" Komsomolskaya Pravda »)

Mary Bruce, son of nurse Carolyn princes borrowed my camera, which they captured their radiant light and heat mom ...

A few months later, Mary died and the mother of his son Paton gave the promised pictures. "Diana was photographed many times, but these pictures are special," - emphasizes the lucky owner.

"I think Mary would have been happy to see that these photos are now published. And I'm sure they will deliver all the same great pleasure to me and my son "- admitted Isabella Paton ... (Photo from the website Daily Mail, photo report prepared by the newspaper" Komsomolskaya Pravda »)