Published prison diaries of Saddam Hussein
The first volume of the three-volume Life of Saddam Hussein may have to see the light this year.
This statement was made on Tuesday, an Iraqi lawyer Khalil Dulaimi. As he stated in an interview Dulaimi
France Press, the book tells about the life of Saddam Hussein from his childhood to his execution.
Dulaimi, who led the team defending Saddam's trial lawyers, said that the three volumes will
more than 2 million pages.
The publication will include about 400 manuscripts written by Saddam Hussein, his conversations with
a lawyer while in US custody and details of the last months of his life, reports BBC BBC.
- I wrote down what he dictated to me. Something had to restores memory, because often
Americans did not let me learn from Saddam Hussein's prison manuscripts & quot ;, - says the lawyer, who visited on
He said the former Iraqi leader in jail 144 times.
The first volume will include talks with Saddam Hussein during his stay in prison, the second - his
handwritten texts, and the third - the details of the criminal case and the process by which it was
sentenced to death and hanged on December 30, 2006.
The lawyer Khalil Dulaimi promised that in the forthcoming book will be revealed some secrets about the life of Saddam Hussein, but he refused to explain exactly what it is.
Issuing the London Arabic newspaper "Al-Hayat" published this week, excerpts from the notes,
made, reportedly, Saddam Hussein in prison.
They, in particular, Saddam Hussein talks about his fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or
AIDS during his imprisonment.
Khalil Dulaimi confirmed that the former Iraqi president is very kind to issues of personal
Hygiene and washed himself in prison, his clothes did not say anything about it for fear of contracting AIDS.
The newspaper "Al-Hayat" in the writings attributed to Saddam Hussein, wrote that he had asked her not to hang
wash clothes on a rope with things American soldiers.
Saddam Hussein was found guilty of crimes against humanity for his role in the murder of 148
Iraqi Shiites in 1982, after a failed assassination attempt on the Iraqi president.
The US military detained Hussein in December 2003, eight months after the capture of Baghdad.
The former Iraqi president was found in the basement near his hometown
Subsequently, he was held in US custody near Baghdad airport.

This statement was made on Tuesday, an Iraqi lawyer Khalil Dulaimi. As he stated in an interview Dulaimi
France Press, the book tells about the life of Saddam Hussein from his childhood to his execution.
Dulaimi, who led the team defending Saddam's trial lawyers, said that the three volumes will
more than 2 million pages.
The publication will include about 400 manuscripts written by Saddam Hussein, his conversations with
a lawyer while in US custody and details of the last months of his life, reports BBC BBC.
- I wrote down what he dictated to me. Something had to restores memory, because often
Americans did not let me learn from Saddam Hussein's prison manuscripts & quot ;, - says the lawyer, who visited on
He said the former Iraqi leader in jail 144 times.
The first volume will include talks with Saddam Hussein during his stay in prison, the second - his
handwritten texts, and the third - the details of the criminal case and the process by which it was
sentenced to death and hanged on December 30, 2006.
The lawyer Khalil Dulaimi promised that in the forthcoming book will be revealed some secrets about the life of Saddam Hussein, but he refused to explain exactly what it is.
Issuing the London Arabic newspaper "Al-Hayat" published this week, excerpts from the notes,
made, reportedly, Saddam Hussein in prison.
They, in particular, Saddam Hussein talks about his fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or
AIDS during his imprisonment.
Khalil Dulaimi confirmed that the former Iraqi president is very kind to issues of personal
Hygiene and washed himself in prison, his clothes did not say anything about it for fear of contracting AIDS.
The newspaper "Al-Hayat" in the writings attributed to Saddam Hussein, wrote that he had asked her not to hang
wash clothes on a rope with things American soldiers.
Saddam Hussein was found guilty of crimes against humanity for his role in the murder of 148
Iraqi Shiites in 1982, after a failed assassination attempt on the Iraqi president.
The US military detained Hussein in December 2003, eight months after the capture of Baghdad.
The former Iraqi president was found in the basement near his hometown
Subsequently, he was held in US custody near Baghdad airport.