Tag Heuer launches premium mobile phones

If earlier in the market of elite designer of mobile phones were presented just three brands: Vertu, D & G and Prada, but now they will have to squeeze up a little and make room for the new, but not less than weaker competitors - well-known watch manufacturer Tag Heuer. A stylish device, which will fully meet the latest trends in technology and design, has been called Meridiist and will go on sale in autumn 2008.
The Swiss company, which occupies in the world watch the ranking fourth place, will introduce mobile phone premium, unlike any of the existing ones. No gold or platinum or diamonds - only cold steel and leather crocodile, which has for many years used Tag Heuer to create innovative and cutting-edge chronographs hours. The novelty is ideal for those who value practicality and dislikes the pretentiousness.
Specifications Meridiist not dazzling: only 2-megapixel camera, 1, 9-inch screen, Bluetooth and the ability to play MP3, AAC and MPEG-4 files. However, for the price of? 3, 500 you can keep the conversation up to 7 hours, riveting sights around her elegant device.