Historical Moscow loses his face ...

Experts in the field of architecture for the first time seriously attended to the problem of the disappearance of architectural monuments in Moscow. It was found that annual capital loses a few dozen buildings of cultural value, writes today, "New News". At the site of many monuments of architecture appear shopping malls, which are sometimes ridiculous and tasteless, and some old buildings just rebuilt. All that is groomed and nurtured in European capitals, Moscow almost squander. The Museum Aksakov was only a copy, the mansion in which he lived Herzen, changed beyond recognition, and at the house of Decembrist Svistunova appeared awkward extension. And these examples are a great many.
Way out experts believe the law clear and hard, which could protect the monuments from the encroachments of the blasphemous business. "To date, we have very few rights to remove the monument from illegal users. And while courts are reluctant to take up the consideration of such cases, "- said Svetlana Zhdanov, Deputy Head of Rosohrankultury in Moscow and the Moscow region.
At the same time, some experts believe that as long as the work will go above the law, from the Kremlin and other masterpieces of architecture there is nothing left but a concrete solution to the problem one can not offer.
* Pv morning *