The China Syndrome

Where athletes Celestial draw strength for their fantastic victory.
Oriental dragon
Invasion as a delusion. Walk through the main press center of the Olympics is frightening. In the great hall established more than twenty monitors (in our opinion - home theater), where from morning until late evening show of Chinese feasts victories. There is no doubt: Do gymnastics show competitions in weightlifting, table tennis, wrestling, badminton, judo, team sports - you will see another Chinese comrade on a pedestal and raging with delight room with the same Chinese comrades.
World domination in the sport for decades - over half a century - the Soviet Union divided, America, East Germany, well, still a couple of advanced countries. Ten or even five years ago, the position remained unshakeable (Russia, USA, Europe).
Athens Olympics last bell rang first major - the Chinese team in the unofficial standings ranked second. We pay attention to it. But in passing. And for good reason. Timid sends some experts that come duffel Chinese Revolution, or overlooked or glossed over.
Why the Chinese are put on the blades once the strongest sports power?
Do not withstand the onslaught of even America - the athletes of China in the first week of the Games won almost twice as many gold medals than the Americans, and five times more than Russia. It is possible that the position of the finish of the Games slightly equalized, but not dramatically. And two weeks ago, it was ridiculous to read the statement of one big boss sport that Russia will do everything to overtake China for at least one medal.
What kind of operation was carried out in China to seize world domination sporting heights?
The first and probably the most important thing. This country was established for the production of car champions. A sort of cyborgs, fighters without fear and reproach. There are machines that mold dumplings, bake bread, and recently appeared a miracle machine that bakes champions. Created a machine under the guidance of the Party and the government (in fact, it did, and we in the era of socialism, when all the forces and resources were subject to one - in spite of all the rest - the case).
China has long been open boarding schools and special schools, where the most severe conditions raise great athletes. Comfort, food and medical care, such that would envy the inhabitants of the Kremlin's houses and hospitals. It closed institution. Our sports officials have visited, in some, but I doubt that they showed all the showmanship. And even that showed otherwise how fiction can not be called.
In general, sports boarding schools and special schools of about two hundred. Such figure announced by the Chinese. Daily workouts three times a day, 6 days a week. Rendezvous with parents once a week in the cafe at the boarding school.
Boat and modern. For example, in one room can be engaged at the same time 80 - 100 weightlifters. That means 80 catwalks, 80 bars with a set of "pancake". In Russia, there was one training room where our weightlifters gained strength since the time of the famous Vasily Alexeev. Do you know how many workers catwalks? Three! To turn the bar, as well as to the medals.
But Amazing all the news (not only for the Chinese). A whole group of Rhythmic Gymnastics numbering nearly a hundred people, which is already two years ago, the beginning of targeted training for the Olympic Games in London in 2012. And they are our great and the Ukrainians, too, the nose in London utrut.
Second. Medical care. All the most advanced technologies have been used for a long time, and most importantly - update equipment almost every year. Surveys, testing, database, sometimes quite closed, the athletes of other countries (do not hesitate to call it a sports-industrial espionage). Chinese filmed millions of meters of film with different competitions, and these tapes are not gathering dust on the shelves.
Third. Alternative medicine. In this respect, the Chinese have not been and will never be equal. Here we only know about the tip of the iceberg. Acupuncture, special massage, herbal treatment and recovery. Very carefully selected training centers in psychics, healers (Rumor has it that there are experimental "white mice" - simple, undeserved Chinese, which is checked by certain drugs and treatments).
Fourth. Discipline (as can be the point in the first place to put). Three warnings - for disobedience, for failure of the task, for negligence, and even the lack of ability and talent - and you go home. And it is a tragedy for any student or trainee special boarding school because ...
This is the fifth. All the people of China know that the great Chinese athlete, Olympic champion read, becomes a small idol at a time when steps on the podium. Winner - a hero of China. Winner is provided for life. Today the prize money champion of the Games - the Chinese reached staggering heights - $ 1 million in cash (without income tax). Past winners modern Olympics (practice there eight years) received by the party and government production yield - net cafe or factory with a small factory, the land estate. They were given an apartment in the homes where they live, ministers and party bosses.
It was worth to endure years of his release in sports prison. Because in another fast break out in people can not succeed.
You know with what fury they train?
One and a half billion Phelps
No one, neither the athletes nor the experts - do not believe that the Chinese athletes conquer the record after record with his bare hands. All teams have athletes who are familiar with doping agents. Some were caught doping services, the other goes to answer.
Let's say that modern sport has long been a testing ground for pharmacists around the world. In his work is not only the largest research institutions, but also to clandestine laboratories. It's a lot of money. Turnover - in monetary terms - dopingsoderzhaschie drugs have long been overtaken by drugs. I think that in Russia in a different way? It is known that the system of drug traffic in our country has reached such proportions that the problem is very tight Gosnarkokontrol took office. In France, three million students are taking anabolic steroids in the United States - up to one million college students. Not for the sake of the record, but in order to look inflated, in glossy fashion magazines.
Anti-doping service, of course, are on the alert. Beijing expects all athletes intensive control of blood, which can detect a range of performance enhancing drugs, which previously was almost impossible to find. We found a "net" and for catching the most modern and sophisticated type of doping - the gene (we are talking about growth hormone, genetically engineered drugs, which is indistinguishable from a hormone that the body produces). Although, admittedly, "net" the leaky because imperfect.
Let us speak frankly: some "secret weapon" in Chinese athletes there. Doping experts agree the opinion that if you invented a new way to grease the gears of the car to win medals, the control of the "new medicine for fear of" doping laboratory will establish age 15 - 20. The scandal probably flare universal ... But it will be too late. By the time the Chinese can win at the Olympics 80 percent of awards.
What kind of know-how? Covered all the gloom and the Beijing smog. Before my eyes is great and terrible, Michael Phelps. Yes, these phenomena are born. Five or six of the century. And the Chinese - all the polls phenomena.
Imagine that gene doping causes a person with elevated mood, with high dedication to work intensively. And it is an absolute reality. And the technology is already there. Now closer to our case. The coach will be very interested to extend established scientists and experts the virus gene in the gym to make the most of their students every drop to create a cyborg, which through time will win the gold medal.
Anything you do not like? Three-time training six days a week, blocking the nerve cells and systems in the human body ...
Only the level at which the Chinese are working today? Many are scratching their head over this. And the worst thing that people think about the "China syndrome" is not only the fighters against doping, but the "shadow businesses" - the owners of clandestine laboratories producing doping products. It promises billions in profits. And the money - it is a sixth sense without which the other five do not work.
Have you seen the Chinese foreign coaches and specialists? They have little or no. The secrets should be stored skillfully. And someone else's eyes is not needed. And your coach will always subscription. Non-disclosure.