Toshiba has established the Cell in multimedia notebooks

Toshiba has expanded its line of multimedia notebooks Qosmio three models. The first two, Qosmio F50 and Qosmio G50 have similar specifications. They installed graphics cards Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT, two 320-GB hard drive and up to 8GB of RAM. The only noticeable difference with the naked eye models - display. F50 received 15, 4-inch matrix and G50 - 18, 4 inch. Cost F50 and G50 is 75 and 85 thousand, respectively.
Last Toshiba presented a novelty - a gaming notebook X300. The model with 17-inch display is enclosed in a bright red body, decorated with stylized images of flames. Inside it are placed graphics accelerator Nvidia GeForce 9800M with 1 GB of memory, two hard drives with a total capacity of 640 GB and 4 GB of RAM. Buyer novelty will cost from 58 to 85 thousand rubles.

An important feature of the new models is the presence of the video Toshiba Quad Core HD Processor (before this technology was known as the Spurs Engine). The device is not nothing but a four-core SPE-Cell. Their task - working in parallel with the CPU, while the last offload video processing. For example, Quad Core HD Processor allows upscaling DVD-video output to HD-display in real time. Another interesting feature is provided by the video processor in conjunction with the video player software - Automatic detection and memorization of individuals in the video stream. For example, the utility is able to provide the user with a list of all the scenes of the film, which involved a particular actor. However, for such a breakdown of the video will take some time. The latter function is supported Quad Core HD Processor, - ensuring application functionality Gesture Control. As you might guess, it allows you to control using a laptop webcam recorded gestures. However, today it is the most attractive toy, rather than a complete solution. Management capabilities are limited gestures Start or pause video playback in Windows Media Center. Independently teach new movements utility user can not, does not plan to extend the functionality itself Gesture Control Toshiba.
The very concept of Quad Core HD Processor also leaves a mixed impression. Undoubtedly, the chip provides access to a set of very attractive features. But no upscaling not compare in quality to the image, issued constantly becoming cheaper Blu-ray player. And, for example, to accelerate video transcoding coprocessor can only in conjunction with a few compatible software packages. In addition, Quad Core HD Processor is a single-tasking. Manage gestures laptop while upscaling the video does not work - and that is another problem almost 100% load all four cores.
We should not forget the economic factor. Power consumption of these chips can be ignored - multimedia noutubki rarely used in stand-alone mode. But the cost of the coprocessor Toshiba prefers to remain silent - Quad Core HD Processor will be installed only in the high-end configuration of laptops. Similar versions without coprocessor will not be delivered.
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