Farewell to George Bush (21 photos)
Chudnosti George Bush (7 photos)
On board the US aircraft carrier "George Bush"
The aircraft carrier "George Bush" (36 photos)
The aircraft carrier "George Bush": Favorite Weapon Americans
The eccentric hobby of American presidents
Rare historical footage (41 photos)
The protection of top officials (52 photos)
The first decade of the 21st century comes to an end (25 photos)
Rare photo 4
The history of Bill Gates (8 pics + text)
Chudnosti George Bush (7 photos)
On board the US aircraft carrier "George Bush"
The aircraft carrier "George Bush" (36 photos)
The aircraft carrier "George Bush": Favorite Weapon Americans
The eccentric hobby of American presidents
Rare historical footage (41 photos)
The protection of top officials (52 photos)
The first decade of the 21st century comes to an end (25 photos)
Rare photo 4
The history of Bill Gates (8 pics + text)
Driver for blondes (5 photos)
Making stocks for the winter (4 photos)