May 9 - Victory Day. Thank you for Victory!
On - differently are called children - we have a lot on the planet ...
There Wani, Hans, John - Children everywhere millions!
Different children are called,
For us - the best in the world!
We need bright toys - and Pinocchio, and parsley.
We need books, songs, dances
And a fascinating tale.
Pools, slides, horizontal bars,
Gardens, fountains, flower beds.
Let everywhere bright kindergarten
Meets happily guys,
Let everyone everywhere lacking schools,
That every morning going to school!
We want to grow physicians,
Builders, violinists,
Teachers and artists,
And pilots and communicators!
We want to live under a peaceful sky,
And rejoice, and be friends,
Want to be everywhere on the planet
War does not know the children!
N. Naidenova / We want to live under a peaceful sky!