A ghost town. The phenomenon of the Earth.
As soon as it may be called - and the "phenomenon", and miraculously, and the bridge between past and future, and a meeting place of heaven and earth - this mysterious, ancient Aryan city Arkaim. This ghost town takes in a not everyone. I know of cases where people confidently and purposefully leaving for Arch (located in the Chelyabinsk region, on the border with Kazakhstan) as well as before and did not get. Suddenly summed health, the machine glohla, the bus down, then there is any other unexpected but urgent and pressing matters that made this trip impossible.
To visit Arkaime one desire is not enough - you must "ripen" to the point where the soul of man is ready to get answers to all of his concerns.
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Exactly half a century ago, first talked about Arkaime. The military, which produced aerial photography in the desert, found clear terms, it is the correct form, but to explain their origin or destination and could not. Twenty years in the dried steppe began to build a dam on the river Big Karaganka to flood Arkaim valley and make it a reservoir. However, when construction was almost completed, the builders discovered the first layers of obscure circles resembling a fortress. And then it became clear that under the ground is an ancient city, which is still nobody knew.
The ancient city was protected massive outer wall perfectly round shape. A lot of labyrinths, passages and niches made this ancient city like a fairytale castle. And the most surprising - an arch built with strict observance of the laws of higher mathematics, from the oriented to the cardinal to the minute! It has now become clear that the arch - an ancient observatory. Accuracy orientation Arkaim correspond only to the Egyptian pyramids, but they are two hundred years or so younger than the miracle of the city.
Some experts say that the arch - a place where God himself came down, others that it is a place where landed alien ships, and others - that is a window into another world. In fact, accurate information, which was built Arkiam and why its inhabitants suddenly left the city and burned it to the ground, there is still no.
Now Arch - a flat steppe and the bird's-eye view shows two concentric rings, shaft, half overgrown with grass. This is a mysterious place where you can feel the inexplicable by modern science visual effects, vibration, air, hear strange sounds.
City sorcerers
4000 years ago the ancient Aryans inhabited Arkaim, which, according to historians, came here from the sunken continent Artik in the Arctic Ocean. The ancient Aryans possessed occult teachings to perfection and "communicate" with the Stars "you". As it became known after the excavation of the ancient city Arkaim residents were very well developed - they owned equipment metal processing, metallurgy and highly developed agricultural skills.
It is said that the ancient Aryans - is the most perfect race and all its representatives owned hypnosis, telekinesis and other supernormal, including communication with the spirits of the dead. For good reason, even now, today, in Arkaime can often see ghosts, souls of dead people who wander in front of the stunned tourists across the steppe. Sometimes meet new visitors Arkaima rushing herd of wild horses or ferocious whirlwind steppe birds. Moment ... and the vision disappears, as if it had never been.
They say that in Arkaim everyone sees what he was destined to see. Some hear voices that whisper in their ear important words, others feel the presence of a close with something otherworldly, mysterious and inexplicable.
The sky in the palm
The sky above Arkaim is very low, it seems that you can get up on your toes and touch it with his hand. Especially the night sky looks charmingly Arkaim - huge moon and stars completely unrealistic. Caught on the Arch on the second or third day understand why they got here, they need to understand (explain himself) and what kind of a sign of fate brings them the ancient city.
This is a place that attracts artists and poets, magicians and psychics, creative people ... and lost souls. It is said that on June 21 and 21 September at the Arch descends from heaven a powerful flow of cosmic energy, which can feel even the most uneducated people in esoteric matters.
There have been cases when travelers arriving by Arch out of curiosity or in the hope to understand something important for themselves, suddenly disappeared on the day - two, and then comes out of nowhere. They claim that all the time spoke with the ancient priests who gave them advice on how to go on living.
A case where a steppe eagle, long circling over a group of tourists suddenly disappeared somewhere. Some time later, he appeared again, choose a girl from the group, and wherever she went, hovered nearby, looking at her from the sky. The girl was very nervous, and then, having heard from other travelers telling about the wonders of Arkaim, calmed down. Well, just circling, then it should be. Surprisingly, as soon as she relaxed on her hand fell eagle feather, and the bird flew away and she did not return. They say that the eagle feather girl kept as a talisman, and it subsequently brought her luck.
Arch listed the seven wonders of the world. About miracles happening in the ancient city, talk a lot, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish reality from fiction. What is happening there is actually, you can see just by visiting a ghost town. Of course, if you have to let yourself.

To visit Arkaime one desire is not enough - you must "ripen" to the point where the soul of man is ready to get answers to all of his concerns.
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Exactly half a century ago, first talked about Arkaime. The military, which produced aerial photography in the desert, found clear terms, it is the correct form, but to explain their origin or destination and could not. Twenty years in the dried steppe began to build a dam on the river Big Karaganka to flood Arkaim valley and make it a reservoir. However, when construction was almost completed, the builders discovered the first layers of obscure circles resembling a fortress. And then it became clear that under the ground is an ancient city, which is still nobody knew.

The ancient city was protected massive outer wall perfectly round shape. A lot of labyrinths, passages and niches made this ancient city like a fairytale castle. And the most surprising - an arch built with strict observance of the laws of higher mathematics, from the oriented to the cardinal to the minute! It has now become clear that the arch - an ancient observatory. Accuracy orientation Arkaim correspond only to the Egyptian pyramids, but they are two hundred years or so younger than the miracle of the city.
Some experts say that the arch - a place where God himself came down, others that it is a place where landed alien ships, and others - that is a window into another world. In fact, accurate information, which was built Arkiam and why its inhabitants suddenly left the city and burned it to the ground, there is still no.
Now Arch - a flat steppe and the bird's-eye view shows two concentric rings, shaft, half overgrown with grass. This is a mysterious place where you can feel the inexplicable by modern science visual effects, vibration, air, hear strange sounds.

City sorcerers
4000 years ago the ancient Aryans inhabited Arkaim, which, according to historians, came here from the sunken continent Artik in the Arctic Ocean. The ancient Aryans possessed occult teachings to perfection and "communicate" with the Stars "you". As it became known after the excavation of the ancient city Arkaim residents were very well developed - they owned equipment metal processing, metallurgy and highly developed agricultural skills.

It is said that the ancient Aryans - is the most perfect race and all its representatives owned hypnosis, telekinesis and other supernormal, including communication with the spirits of the dead. For good reason, even now, today, in Arkaime can often see ghosts, souls of dead people who wander in front of the stunned tourists across the steppe. Sometimes meet new visitors Arkaima rushing herd of wild horses or ferocious whirlwind steppe birds. Moment ... and the vision disappears, as if it had never been.
They say that in Arkaim everyone sees what he was destined to see. Some hear voices that whisper in their ear important words, others feel the presence of a close with something otherworldly, mysterious and inexplicable.
The sky in the palm

The sky above Arkaim is very low, it seems that you can get up on your toes and touch it with his hand. Especially the night sky looks charmingly Arkaim - huge moon and stars completely unrealistic. Caught on the Arch on the second or third day understand why they got here, they need to understand (explain himself) and what kind of a sign of fate brings them the ancient city.
This is a place that attracts artists and poets, magicians and psychics, creative people ... and lost souls. It is said that on June 21 and 21 September at the Arch descends from heaven a powerful flow of cosmic energy, which can feel even the most uneducated people in esoteric matters.
There have been cases when travelers arriving by Arch out of curiosity or in the hope to understand something important for themselves, suddenly disappeared on the day - two, and then comes out of nowhere. They claim that all the time spoke with the ancient priests who gave them advice on how to go on living.
A case where a steppe eagle, long circling over a group of tourists suddenly disappeared somewhere. Some time later, he appeared again, choose a girl from the group, and wherever she went, hovered nearby, looking at her from the sky. The girl was very nervous, and then, having heard from other travelers telling about the wonders of Arkaim, calmed down. Well, just circling, then it should be. Surprisingly, as soon as she relaxed on her hand fell eagle feather, and the bird flew away and she did not return. They say that the eagle feather girl kept as a talisman, and it subsequently brought her luck.
Arch listed the seven wonders of the world. About miracles happening in the ancient city, talk a lot, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish reality from fiction. What is happening there is actually, you can see just by visiting a ghost town. Of course, if you have to let yourself.