Maori war dance - Jaca
Prince Willem made his first official visit abroad representing the crown.
Opening the new Supreme Court building in Wellington New Zealand, 27-year-old heir to the throne dressed in traditional costume NZ Aborigines - a cloak of flax and kiwi feathers. As such, he accepted a call to war dance by dressed in grass skirts Maori representatives. After the official ceremony followed, during which a group of Maori elders prince hast respect. According to the tradition of Polynesian people, every respectable native of William greeted by touching the nose.
Opening the new Supreme Court building in Wellington New Zealand, 27-year-old heir to the throne dressed in traditional costume NZ Aborigines - a cloak of flax and kiwi feathers. As such, he accepted a call to war dance by dressed in grass skirts Maori representatives. After the official ceremony followed, during which a group of Maori elders prince hast respect. According to the tradition of Polynesian people, every respectable native of William greeted by touching the nose.