Amazing lady Jeanne Calmont.

She set a world record life expectancy - 122 years and 164 days. In the 85 years she was engaged in fencing, 100 went on a bike, in 114 years appeared in a movie, 115 underwent surgery on his hip, and 117 - to quit. And not because he was not feeling well. She just almost lost her eyesight was unpleasant each time to ask for a light.
In its 90 years Jeanne, which left heirs signed a contract with 47-year-old lawyer Raffri: he had inherited the house ctarushki for what will be one month before her death, to pay her rent. The cost of the house was roughly equivalent to the amount it would pay for 10 years. But fate did not smile. Raffri not only paid to Joan for 30 years, but died before her, in his 77, and payments under the law continued by his widow.
The Christian church is extremely negative attitude to any changes in appearance ...
The result of a survey of women: