Large-scale flashmob zatseperov "Feel India"
On June 25 the biggest collection zatseperov and rufrayderov in and around Moscow. Everyone gathered in the Kursk railway station and decided to go to Gorky direction ...
Honestly - I do not understand such a movement ... One here "dodvigalis" a hundred pieces. It Rufer-morons I mean ... I will not say that such tragedies happen because that's such a disorder, but it is better not to try. And that little if ...
Once you arrive in the car to the hammer and sickle, we went out and waited for the next train. He rides the train and a crowd of 40 people stormed her, someone caught behind, but most went to the roof.
the crowd sitting on the 3, 2, 1 intercar
Once you reach the station, which we burned the driver and lowered pantographs with kontaktnika all immediately jumped from the train and fled to a nearby platform.
Wait for the next dog reached Fryazevo.
After Fryazevo crowd was divided into 2 groups: one went back to Gorky direction and the other back through the Yaroslavl direction
On the way back we drove bespalevno roof of Yaroslavl direction to the station. On losinostrovskoy at us with astonishment watched dissent, I think to myself "that's asshole"
These are scattered leaflets dolt surprised
standing passengers at stations:
Honestly - I do not understand such a movement ... One here "dodvigalis" a hundred pieces. It Rufer-morons I mean ... I will not say that such tragedies happen because that's such a disorder, but it is better not to try. And that little if ...
Once you arrive in the car to the hammer and sickle, we went out and waited for the next train. He rides the train and a crowd of 40 people stormed her, someone caught behind, but most went to the roof.
the crowd sitting on the 3, 2, 1 intercar
Once you reach the station, which we burned the driver and lowered pantographs with kontaktnika all immediately jumped from the train and fled to a nearby platform.
Wait for the next dog reached Fryazevo.
After Fryazevo crowd was divided into 2 groups: one went back to Gorky direction and the other back through the Yaroslavl direction
On the way back we drove bespalevno roof of Yaroslavl direction to the station. On losinostrovskoy at us with astonishment watched dissent, I think to myself "that's asshole"
These are scattered leaflets dolt surprised
standing passengers at stations: