Flashmob - "What's wrong? Give birth!"
Amazing flash mob will be held today in the capital's subway. Three thousand pensioners have decided to take all the seats in the trains on the Circle Line, and to give them only to pregnant women and people with disabilities. In the elderly will capes with the words "What's wrong? Give birth! ". So unusual way seniors hope to attract the attention of young people to the problem of demographics. And yet - to call upon it to get posterity! The action carries out a public organization "The older generation».
Via nnm
- Today, the fashion for children took place. Youth focuses on the career for her money - the main value - complains the head of the organization Tatyana Prusova. - But we, as a people who have lived a lifetime, says that the most important wealth - children ... We hope our action we can attract the attention of potential parents, make them think about what to give birth. To give birth and raise a child - quite feasible task for each family.
Retirees are going to drive three laps on the Ring. The action will begin at 15.00.
However, such non-standard action can cause resentment. In the subway, and so closely, and here agitators! So it is possible that the address of pensioners fly creative language. And if something is not right - your ears /
Interactive: "Places for people with children and people with disabilities»
My trip on the bus is not supposed to be anything remarkable. As usual, it was cramped, stuffy, uncomfortable. I was unable to get to the window, so often saved from the ownership of what is happening, and I witnessed a brief scene: on one of the bus stops at the door introduced, if not made, women with disabilities. She barely standing on his feet, leaning on the stick, then onto the handrail, and painfully searched around care. At this point, both out of the ground before it grew conductor. Zombie harsh working conditions, it is required to produce documents dry. In response, the older woman whispered softly: "Ask passengers to give up my place" - and looked toward the nearest bus seat designed for disabled people.
"You have to - you and ask" - without batting an eye, said conductor and continued its important work.
Designated disabled! They are in each bus. Usually, these are the first four from the driver seat. You always see them on the inscription "seats for passengers with children and people with disabilities».
One usually takes the conductor. How to categorize the conductor - a passenger with a child or disabled person - decide for yourself, but to sit in his place I do not advise anyone. Sam was an eyewitness to the devastating attack on a female passenger, who only to be found in a travel bag, sat on the edge of the "throne."
Thus, around the bus are only three seats for passengers with disabilities, and those most engaged citizens at all other categories. And how many disabled people in the city? Many ... And how many mothers with children are the buses? Even more ...
RS Women with disabilities help passengers. No one refused her help, in addition to the conductor.
Federal Law dated November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On social protection of invalids in the Russian Federation" (as amended on July 24, 1998, January 4, July 17, 1999,
May 27, 2000, June 9, August 8, December 29, December 30, 2001, May 29, 2002)
Article 15. The provision of unhindered access for the disabled to social infrastructure
Enterprises, institutions and organizations engaged in transport services, provide equipment with special devices stations, airports and other facilities, allowing people with disabilities to freely use their services. Of the machine-building industry, engaged in the production of vehicles, as well as organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms of performing public transport services, these funds provide the equipment with special devices and devices in order to create conditions for people with disabilities unrestricted use of the said funds.
Thanks for watching, I have everything!
Via nnm


- Today, the fashion for children took place. Youth focuses on the career for her money - the main value - complains the head of the organization Tatyana Prusova. - But we, as a people who have lived a lifetime, says that the most important wealth - children ... We hope our action we can attract the attention of potential parents, make them think about what to give birth. To give birth and raise a child - quite feasible task for each family.
Retirees are going to drive three laps on the Ring. The action will begin at 15.00.
However, such non-standard action can cause resentment. In the subway, and so closely, and here agitators! So it is possible that the address of pensioners fly creative language. And if something is not right - your ears /
Interactive: "Places for people with children and people with disabilities»

My trip on the bus is not supposed to be anything remarkable. As usual, it was cramped, stuffy, uncomfortable. I was unable to get to the window, so often saved from the ownership of what is happening, and I witnessed a brief scene: on one of the bus stops at the door introduced, if not made, women with disabilities. She barely standing on his feet, leaning on the stick, then onto the handrail, and painfully searched around care. At this point, both out of the ground before it grew conductor. Zombie harsh working conditions, it is required to produce documents dry. In response, the older woman whispered softly: "Ask passengers to give up my place" - and looked toward the nearest bus seat designed for disabled people.

"You have to - you and ask" - without batting an eye, said conductor and continued its important work.
Designated disabled! They are in each bus. Usually, these are the first four from the driver seat. You always see them on the inscription "seats for passengers with children and people with disabilities».
One usually takes the conductor. How to categorize the conductor - a passenger with a child or disabled person - decide for yourself, but to sit in his place I do not advise anyone. Sam was an eyewitness to the devastating attack on a female passenger, who only to be found in a travel bag, sat on the edge of the "throne."

Thus, around the bus are only three seats for passengers with disabilities, and those most engaged citizens at all other categories. And how many disabled people in the city? Many ... And how many mothers with children are the buses? Even more ...
RS Women with disabilities help passengers. No one refused her help, in addition to the conductor.
Federal Law dated November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On social protection of invalids in the Russian Federation" (as amended on July 24, 1998, January 4, July 17, 1999,
May 27, 2000, June 9, August 8, December 29, December 30, 2001, May 29, 2002)
Article 15. The provision of unhindered access for the disabled to social infrastructure
Enterprises, institutions and organizations engaged in transport services, provide equipment with special devices stations, airports and other facilities, allowing people with disabilities to freely use their services. Of the machine-building industry, engaged in the production of vehicles, as well as organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms of performing public transport services, these funds provide the equipment with special devices and devices in order to create conditions for people with disabilities unrestricted use of the said funds.
Thanks for watching, I have everything!
