Flashmob in Instagram: People parody photos of stars
The photograph celebrity who is watching with delight, and someone with a share of healthy skepticism. No sooner had the summer around the world die down flashmob Ice bucket Challenge as comedienne Barber Celeste (Celeste Barber) conceived a new - #CelesteChallengeAccepted. His idea is simple: you have to copy the photos of stars from the network Instagram. The idea caught the active online community, and there were first a very funny parody.
The main thing is what convinced Celeste: photos of stars is always much different from real life. The most common celebrity to "everyday" pictures look so very unnatural and Online Time. At gunpoint Celeste were well-known actors, musicians and TV presenters. Parody copies should remind the rich that their fans are sensible people who, unfortunately, hard "feed" invented images.
Internet users responded with thanks to the initiative of Celeste. After trying on their own to debunk myths, many were convinced that the cover of the beautiful celebrity is often not hiding anything remarkable. Celeste has received many appreciative comments, in which people claim that this project has helped them cope with low self-esteem, to love yourself, stop complexes about the fact that they do not have super powers possessed by the powers that be.

The main thing is what convinced Celeste: photos of stars is always much different from real life. The most common celebrity to "everyday" pictures look so very unnatural and Online Time. At gunpoint Celeste were well-known actors, musicians and TV presenters. Parody copies should remind the rich that their fans are sensible people who, unfortunately, hard "feed" invented images.
Internet users responded with thanks to the initiative of Celeste. After trying on their own to debunk myths, many were convinced that the cover of the beautiful celebrity is often not hiding anything remarkable. Celeste has received many appreciative comments, in which people claim that this project has helped them cope with low self-esteem, to love yourself, stop complexes about the fact that they do not have super powers possessed by the powers that be.