Syltrankel lake in the Caucasus
Syltrankel lake located in the vast circus under the peaks Syltran and flour at a height of 3185 m. Rocky coast, where some are interspersed with flowering islands, proximity snowy peaks leave an unforgettable impression. Syltrankel in Turkic means - "beautiful lake".
We arrived at the Upper Baksan (probably many are now familiar with this name, due to the recent sad events).
We pass through the village, past the gardens and along the river Syltran, begins the ascent. First, through the woods, then the trail becomes steeper, go harder ...
August. Sunny and hot. And the first day in the mountains. Go pretty hard. Become accustomed. Not in a hurry ... to the lake walk five to six hours. River on the right. Flattening, decided to spend the night and in the morning we well as romantic writes one of the witnesses:
Flattening, decided to spend the night and in the morning we well as romantic writes one of the witnesses: Right in front of you a huge array of eroded rocks. It is an ancient glacial threshold obstructing the upper reaches of the valley - a natural dam that forms Lake Syltran-nickel. Among the stone labyrinth without a guide is indispensable. River flowing from the lake flows into a deep canyon, and at its exit steep walls so narrow that the passage is not visible even at very close range. Huge waterfall enhances the lush aquatic carousel. All slalom through heaps of moraine ridges, and here you are in front of the little-known treasure of unique mountain kingdom ... Here at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level and surrounded by the magnificent dance of stone giants froze a huge bowl of water - the famous alpine lake - Syltran-Kel - an area of about 10 hectares. Peace and quiet, full of peace, dominated by its wild shores. Only hear the sound of water flowing out of the lake and gnaw way through the stone of chaos. Rocky shores, bright flowers in the cracks of rocks floating on the lake in the early summer of icebergs, snow-capped peaks and the proximity of Mount Elbrus give this place a harsh charm. Obviously a poet at heart ...
East Summit Syltran - scree lowering lane. Zurbagan. Sobsno it and we need it. On the north shore area for parking there. But we were there on the other side of us, and having washed bite, wandered to the pass.
Came under the pass. Tomorrow utretsa us back to the top.
In the description of it says: Pass Zurbagan (1A, 3450 m, ind., 21) is located to the east of the top of Syltran closer to the top of 3553 m. It connects the valley and Syltransu Kezgena (Baksan), leads to the lake Syltrankel in the upper river. Kezgen. Information about the first ascent not. Described in 1995 by the Moscow tourists (M. Rastorgouev). Provides a good vantage point. Named in honor of the Romantic writer A. Green. Pass brings to the valley, the output of which is not described and is likely to be problematic. According to M. Rastorgueva of it there is a way through the grassy valley in grfignya Kubasanty. These need to be checked!
Make the first ascent. Pass by Syltrana pulled yedinichku B leader threatens to add to it, and the star.
From the pass overlooking the Ushba ...
On perevale.Eto not ritual greeting, and the search for the saddle note. Passage proved problematic indeed. All along the way there was no water. By evening, set up tents. People went to look for water. Finally found a small spring, which trickled water. And scored for tea and cooking, typed in the morning, for the descent. But it is clearly not enough at all in this heat. I first caught up with heat stroke. Not the most pleasant thing in the mountains.
Down a long, confused, avoided foreheads, and back down again ...
From there, we came top. But it was worth it. One of the most beautiful places in the Caucasus.
Syltran. Breaking Dawn. Moscow Heat spodvigla to write ...

We arrived at the Upper Baksan (probably many are now familiar with this name, due to the recent sad events).

We pass through the village, past the gardens and along the river Syltran, begins the ascent. First, through the woods, then the trail becomes steeper, go harder ...

August. Sunny and hot. And the first day in the mountains. Go pretty hard. Become accustomed. Not in a hurry ... to the lake walk five to six hours. River on the right. Flattening, decided to spend the night and in the morning we well as romantic writes one of the witnesses:

Flattening, decided to spend the night and in the morning we well as romantic writes one of the witnesses: Right in front of you a huge array of eroded rocks. It is an ancient glacial threshold obstructing the upper reaches of the valley - a natural dam that forms Lake Syltran-nickel. Among the stone labyrinth without a guide is indispensable. River flowing from the lake flows into a deep canyon, and at its exit steep walls so narrow that the passage is not visible even at very close range. Huge waterfall enhances the lush aquatic carousel. All slalom through heaps of moraine ridges, and here you are in front of the little-known treasure of unique mountain kingdom ... Here at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level and surrounded by the magnificent dance of stone giants froze a huge bowl of water - the famous alpine lake - Syltran-Kel - an area of about 10 hectares. Peace and quiet, full of peace, dominated by its wild shores. Only hear the sound of water flowing out of the lake and gnaw way through the stone of chaos. Rocky shores, bright flowers in the cracks of rocks floating on the lake in the early summer of icebergs, snow-capped peaks and the proximity of Mount Elbrus give this place a harsh charm. Obviously a poet at heart ...

East Summit Syltran - scree lowering lane. Zurbagan. Sobsno it and we need it. On the north shore area for parking there. But we were there on the other side of us, and having washed bite, wandered to the pass.

Came under the pass. Tomorrow utretsa us back to the top.
In the description of it says: Pass Zurbagan (1A, 3450 m, ind., 21) is located to the east of the top of Syltran closer to the top of 3553 m. It connects the valley and Syltransu Kezgena (Baksan), leads to the lake Syltrankel in the upper river. Kezgen. Information about the first ascent not. Described in 1995 by the Moscow tourists (M. Rastorgouev). Provides a good vantage point. Named in honor of the Romantic writer A. Green. Pass brings to the valley, the output of which is not described and is likely to be problematic. According to M. Rastorgueva of it there is a way through the grassy valley in grfignya Kubasanty. These need to be checked!
Make the first ascent. Pass by Syltrana pulled yedinichku B leader threatens to add to it, and the star.

From the pass overlooking the Ushba ...

On perevale.Eto not ritual greeting, and the search for the saddle note. Passage proved problematic indeed. All along the way there was no water. By evening, set up tents. People went to look for water. Finally found a small spring, which trickled water. And scored for tea and cooking, typed in the morning, for the descent. But it is clearly not enough at all in this heat. I first caught up with heat stroke. Not the most pleasant thing in the mountains.

Down a long, confused, avoided foreheads, and back down again ...

From there, we came top. But it was worth it. One of the most beautiful places in the Caucasus.

Syltran. Breaking Dawn. Moscow Heat spodvigla to write ...