Hits balls on the Arbat
Yay! It took place. The first parade balloons on the Arbat was last Sunday. Every beginning is not all easy. I think the parade of soap bubbles and start small, but I want to say that this is an unusual parade balloons were numerous indistinct parade blondes. And it can not but rejoice.
People are still going.
Oh! We became a little more, and already someone removes
Technical progress in the face.
And this is a breath of the market. Commerce such commerce.
Started. Balls float along the Arbat.
And on the Arbat so many interesting things.
It was not only hits balls and hits cheerful and gay people. What did not you see!

People are still going.

Oh! We became a little more, and already someone removes

Technical progress in the face.

And this is a breath of the market. Commerce such commerce.

Started. Balls float along the Arbat.

And on the Arbat so many interesting things.

It was not only hits balls and hits cheerful and gay people. What did not you see!