After the last release of Glafira Tarkhanova, fans began to say that the actress is expecting a child again.

They call her a young Babanova. Her gentle voice and amber-colored eyes fascinate the audience. For a long time she was an actress of the theater “Satyricon”. To date, she is quite a successful film actress and behind her shoulders there are a couple of successful leading roles. Biography of Glafira Tarkhanova It doesn't shine with scandalous news. On the contrary, the actress tries to keep her personal life secret. But she could not hide one event in her life.

Instagram Glafira Tarkhanov debuted in cinema in 1998. Then she played in the extras in the famous film “Siberian Barber”. But the real popularity of the actress came in 2006. She played one of the main roles in the acclaimed series “Thunder”. The actress starred in advertising, often gets roles in movies. But it's not just her star career that is her priority in life. In the first place at Glafira is her family.

With her husband actor Alexei Fadeev they met many years ago. Their romance developed calmly. The couple have been together for 15 years. During this time, they already have four sons. Unlike Glafira, Alexey can tell some details about their personal life. At one of the interviews, Alexei said that the birth of his sons, with the exception of the first, took place at home in the bathroom. He personally gave birth accompanied by an experienced midwife. At the same time, contrary to the opinion that men are repelled by such an action, Alexey claims that his wife is the most beloved and desirable.

Instagram recently premiered the film “Mutual consent”. At this event, the actress appeared in a spacious dress. But even the dress failed to hide the actress's protruding tummy. Therefore, the network quickly spread rumors about the fifth pregnancy Glafira Tarkhanova. The actor’s family has not commented on the event. And that's not surprising. The previous four pregnancies of Glafir Tarkhanov and her husband were also not announced. They prefer not to interfere with professional life.

At one of the interviews, the actress admitted that she really wants a girl. She already has five men at home. And to cope with such a large family actress help relatives and professional nanny. The actress is often forced to leave for filming and, of course, the children must remain under supervision. The youngest Nikifor is only seven years old. Dad also has a schedule of rehearsals and play in the theater.

Glafira Tarkhanov’s Instagram is one of those examples when a woman manages to perform several main tasks in life. She is a happy wife and mother of wonderful children. She does not forget that she is a woman and always looks great. She finds time for her career and creative development. Glafira admits that even at home she can not be a little princess surrounded by men. After all, these men require mother’s participation and attention. The most difficult decision in the life of the actress was to leave the theater “Satiricon”. She had to abandon the theater because of the heavy workload in filming in the movies. But in this way, viewers have the opportunity to see their favorite actress in different ways more often.


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