The prophecy of priest Anatoly Berestov for the coming 2024, we are waiting for something amazing
Many precognition They found their evidence in the past. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what Anatoly Berestov warned about. He is one of the great men of our time and has already predicted many things. Anatoly Berestov had a difficult life, and yet he helped thousands of people.
Anatoly Berestov is not just a priest with a great heart. He is an outstanding pediatric neurologist, MD, who has found his way in the service of God. By his example, Anatoly showed that it is never too late to change your life and turn to God. Anatoly grew up in a family of absolute non-believers, his path to God was not easy. After school, he served in the army, then entered a medical school, and then - in a medical institute. Berestov was one of the best students on his course and received a Lenin scholarship.
But in the third year, the Gospel fell into his hands, and this changed his future life. In his youth, Anatoly could be imprisoned or even shot for believing in God. Icons and sacred books were persecuted by law. It was possible to believe only in the soul and not to tell anyone anything. But the future priest secretly visited the temple. When he was in his fifth year, the institute found out where he went, and they were going to expel him. But Anatoly’s comrades defended him at the Komsomol meeting, and the young doctor was given the opportunity to defend himself.
Anatoly realized that he was under God’s protection. He had previously noticed that his faith sent him favorable events in life. When Anatoly decided to marry his beloved girl, one of his monk mentors tried to dissuade him. He said that his way in the ministry and Anatoly should go to the monks, and with his wife he would not live long, only 10 years. After his wife dies, Anatoly will be left alone with two children in his arms. But Berestov decided to do it his way and still married. Everything happened as the monk had predicted. After the death of his wife, Anatoly Berestov decided to become a monk.
The path of Anatoly Berestov to monasticism was not easy. He made a successful career as a doctor, was the head of the rehabilitation center for the disabled in Moscow. But in 1991 he went to the priest's aides in a temple near the rehabilitation center. After two years of service in the church, he decided to become a monk and went to Valaam. Today, Father Anatoly heals not the body, but the soul of people. Many people come to him for help and advice. It helps people heal their soul and heart, which leads to healing of the body.
The future of our world Anatoly Berestov has repeatedly predicted important events in the lives of people and states. He has always said that the future of a country depends on the faith of its citizens. Anatoly Berestov gives an example when, in order to cleanse the world of evil, the Lord sent a worldwide flood. The events that are taking place in the world today may lead to a second cleansing of the earth. Only this time it's going to be fiery. Wars will spread all over the world, many people will die.
To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to pray and believe in God. This is the only way to salvation. Until there is good and justice in the world, terrible things will happen. The future of civilization depends only on the people living on earth. It depends on each of us what kind of world we leave to our children and grandchildren. Will they live in good and well-being or correct our mistakes? Faith has always helped people, even in the worst of times, and it will help.

Anatoly Berestov is not just a priest with a great heart. He is an outstanding pediatric neurologist, MD, who has found his way in the service of God. By his example, Anatoly showed that it is never too late to change your life and turn to God. Anatoly grew up in a family of absolute non-believers, his path to God was not easy. After school, he served in the army, then entered a medical school, and then - in a medical institute. Berestov was one of the best students on his course and received a Lenin scholarship.

But in the third year, the Gospel fell into his hands, and this changed his future life. In his youth, Anatoly could be imprisoned or even shot for believing in God. Icons and sacred books were persecuted by law. It was possible to believe only in the soul and not to tell anyone anything. But the future priest secretly visited the temple. When he was in his fifth year, the institute found out where he went, and they were going to expel him. But Anatoly’s comrades defended him at the Komsomol meeting, and the young doctor was given the opportunity to defend himself.

Anatoly realized that he was under God’s protection. He had previously noticed that his faith sent him favorable events in life. When Anatoly decided to marry his beloved girl, one of his monk mentors tried to dissuade him. He said that his way in the ministry and Anatoly should go to the monks, and with his wife he would not live long, only 10 years. After his wife dies, Anatoly will be left alone with two children in his arms. But Berestov decided to do it his way and still married. Everything happened as the monk had predicted. After the death of his wife, Anatoly Berestov decided to become a monk.

The path of Anatoly Berestov to monasticism was not easy. He made a successful career as a doctor, was the head of the rehabilitation center for the disabled in Moscow. But in 1991 he went to the priest's aides in a temple near the rehabilitation center. After two years of service in the church, he decided to become a monk and went to Valaam. Today, Father Anatoly heals not the body, but the soul of people. Many people come to him for help and advice. It helps people heal their soul and heart, which leads to healing of the body.

The future of our world Anatoly Berestov has repeatedly predicted important events in the lives of people and states. He has always said that the future of a country depends on the faith of its citizens. Anatoly Berestov gives an example when, in order to cleanse the world of evil, the Lord sent a worldwide flood. The events that are taking place in the world today may lead to a second cleansing of the earth. Only this time it's going to be fiery. Wars will spread all over the world, many people will die.

To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to pray and believe in God. This is the only way to salvation. Until there is good and justice in the world, terrible things will happen. The future of civilization depends only on the people living on earth. It depends on each of us what kind of world we leave to our children and grandchildren. Will they live in good and well-being or correct our mistakes? Faith has always helped people, even in the worst of times, and it will help.
For some reason, it is believed that in Soviet times people did not know how to have fun, but we always celebrated holidays on a large scale.
For 6 years I saved up some money to come home with gifts, but I don’t know who I was trying to help.