Stylists have named a few things that directly shout about the age of a woman, it’s time to say goodbye to them

Aging of the face - the main fear of most women - often does not betray the age of a lady as much as her wardrobe. Fashion often puts sticks in our wheels. Those images and styles that we loved and enjoyed wearing for decades, over time lose relevance and catch the eye.

And still nothing, become simply unfashionable: many women live quietly and do not chase trends. It is a shame that some outdated wardrobe items can add a flowering lady ten years. And men "read" it one or two times. "Site" Asks you to do a closet review and identify details that are aging us ahead of time.

Eager-eyed screaming colors worthy of Brazilian carnivals, more than sketch us years. Especially if they are combined with even brighter shades or even neutral black. The apogee of this picture is catchy makeup in tone. Alas, such ridiculous and often cheap images threaten not only to betray age, but also hint at provincial taste.

If you cannot stand boring things of calm shades, try to create an image on this principle. A bright and spectacular thing in a clearly expressed style should be only one. And it must be balanced with calm colors and other textures.

Let’s say a separate word against the mustard color. It is unique in that it looks beautiful and rich, but fits units. Moreover, this shade of yellow can age not only an adult woman, but also a very young girl. No matter how elegant the style of the outfit, put the mustard thing in the far corner of the closet if you are afraid to throw a year or two at age.

Wear a scarf both in winter and in summer before, no one considered shameful. In the cold warms, on a date - elegantly complements the onion. But the fashion trends of our days call for no longer wearing scarves for aesthetic reasons. These harmless accessories are able to throw at least 10 years to the age of their hostess. Therefore, designers recommend wearing scarves only as intended, until fashion returns them to trends.

Sticky stuff There is nothing wrong with trying to brighten up the features of the figure with clothes. It's a whole science! Properly choosing a print, drapery and silhouette, you can divert attention from problem areas and focus on more profitable. Another thing is when we try to squeeze into a skirt or jacket a size smaller to appear slimmer. Things that fit into the female figure have yet to make anyone visually younger.

The fashion of the last few years is reverent about oversize. This is convenient and corresponds to the rhythm of life of a big city, when you need to catch up to a dozen places and look stylish (while not spending hours on the selection of the right style). But when it comes to dimensionless stretched knitted cardigans, fashion designers painfully cover their eyes.

Of course, no one calls to get rid of warm clothes, without which it is difficult to survive our harsh winters. To look modern and not to drape yourself years, you just need to choose a cardigan with the right silhouette. Give preference to classic models on buttons. They favorably emphasize the figure and warm in the winter cold.

In order to look young at 40 and 55, of course, you can not close the question with one clothes. Moreover, no face masks, no exhausting workouts, no diet can turn back time. Even expensive cosmetic procedures have little chance if the heart lives longing, sadness and dissatisfaction. To keep youth is able to sincere love of life, which gives that special inner light. Agreed?


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