Solar activity today brings great changes for humanity in the next four years.

Solar activity today raises many questions among scientists and ordinary people. What influence does the sun have on our planet and humans? Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what flashes on the sun bring to humanity.

Peels Sadhguru is a wise Indian yogi and mystic. He observes his body a lot and how his body responds to solar activity. He foresees big changes for humanity in the next few years. And if humanity learns to think, each of us begins to think, then we can use the energy of the sun for good.

Every person who has finished high school and read at least one book treats science as a religion. We know how our planet rotates around the Sun and its own axis. How people work, how their organs function. We read all this in school textbooks. We believe what is written in the textbooks. But they say little about how our bodies react to solar activity. And few people pay attention to changes in their body on certain days. But the few who pay attention are already scientists. Scientists of their bodies.

Alas, our society is arranged in such a way that if you begin to doubt established truths, you become an outcast. But every year there are more and more people who doubt the truth of official science. They try to find answers in ancient teachings, listen to their bodies and observe nature. Today we are all witnessing how the climate is changing, how the nature around us is changing. People’s minds and behaviors are changing. The sun does not play the last role.

The solar activity we see today began about 17 months ago. Before that, the Sun also had flares, but they were less noticeable. Now the Sun has entered an active phase that will last at least another 4 years. During this time, humanity is waiting for more than one shock. Solar activity leads to changes in the Earth's crust, activates volcanoes and water resources. We are already seeing that cases of natural disasters have become more frequent in the world. Earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis are not all that is happening on Earth recently.

Now you often hear the phrase: “The world has gone mad.” This also applies to the mental state of people. Enmity and war are intensifying and consuming humanity. Hatred, anger and distrust fill the hearts of people. Our bodies are interconnected with cosmic bodies. What happens in space affects our body and brain. But is solar activity so dangerous?

The sun is a necessary element for the active growth of plants and living organisms. The sun warms and gives its energy. Our body is actively working in the summer and go into saving mode in the winter, when the sun becomes less. The sun is the source of life energy. Without the sun, there can be no life or growth. Therefore, humanity now has a choice - to immerse itself in the negative energy of war and destruction or accumulate active solar energy for creation.

Only collective human efforts can change the geopolitical situation on Earth. When people think positively together, create, not destroy. Then solar activity will give them strength to realize good intentions. In the near future, the Sun will enter its greatest activity and 2024 will be the decisive choice of people. Positive thoughts create positive actions. The actions of one person can attract the attention of others to create. Each of us is the creator of his fate and his life, and therefore life on the whole Earth.

How do you react to solar activity? Do you notice the surge of energy or, conversely, the decline of strength and apathy? Share your observations in the comments.


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