Fashion designer Carolina Herrera said that adult ladies do not like the face of jeans and long hair, which caused battles on the Internet
It is believed that stereotype-making This is a kind of protective reaction of a person aimed at saving his own efforts. After all, constantly asking yourself a variety of questions and looking for answers is quite exhausting. And the existing set of stereotypes allows you to schematize, standardize and simplify everything, instantly suggests ready-made answers to any “why” and “why”.
Of course, stereotypes not only distort any picture of the world, but also limit a person’s thinking, prevent them from going beyond the limits. And you’re not surprised when you hear something stereotyped from the mouth of an ordinary, unremarkable person. It doesn't hurt anyone. But when you hear this from a public person, an expert in your field, it is unusual.
Karolina Herrera, being one of the most outstanding fashion designers of our time, was noted by a number of controversial statements. Women over 30 are not allowed to wear jeans. In addition, the fashion designer noted that long hair after the age of 40 years is a sign of bad taste.
Caroline's words sparked a storm of discussion on social media. After all, Herrera is known for its refined taste, and her outfits always have a thoughtful design. Can this 84-year-old woman, who has tremendous experience and authority, be wrong?
Carolina Herrera was born in Venezuela, where she became interested in fashion. Back in the 70s, she was called one of the most stylish ladies of the planet. In the early 80s, Caroline moved to the United States, where things went even better. In 1987, she launched her first fragrance, and did it very successfully. The proceeds from the sale of perfume helped her finance her collection of clothes.
Today, Carolina boasts various successful businesses: an outstanding collection of fashionable clothes, and a line for newlyweds, and exquisite perfumes, and accessories. What to say, if her personal fortune has already exceeded $ 100 million.
Why is Caroline making such controversial claims? Nothing ages a woman like pretending to be young. And when a woman reaches a certain age, she should form and improve her personal style.
“I do not believe that blindly following trends will make a woman irresistible. When you follow trends, it's like wearing a uniform. When a piece of clothing becomes popular, everyone wears it. In the end, everyone looks the same, the fashion designer laments.
Also, Caroline Herrera assured that miniskirts can only be worn by young girls. A bikini should be abandoned to those ladies who are approaching the 50-year mark. The expert herself said that she refused outdoor swimsuits when she was slightly over 40, and does not regret it.
“A woman must age with dignity. When I see someone on the street with long hair and a miniskirt, I think such a lady is cute. But as soon as she turns around - and I see how ridiculous an elderly lady looks in this image, - says the designer.
Of course, Caroline Herrera understands a lot about fashion and style. But it seems that her advice oversimplifies everything, fits all women to the same pattern, which is hardly right. After all, each person is unique, each has his own unique style. And to feel comfortable, he hardly needs to listen to the advice of even such a significant expert. Isn't that right?

Of course, stereotypes not only distort any picture of the world, but also limit a person’s thinking, prevent them from going beyond the limits. And you’re not surprised when you hear something stereotyped from the mouth of an ordinary, unremarkable person. It doesn't hurt anyone. But when you hear this from a public person, an expert in your field, it is unusual.
Karolina Herrera, being one of the most outstanding fashion designers of our time, was noted by a number of controversial statements. Women over 30 are not allowed to wear jeans. In addition, the fashion designer noted that long hair after the age of 40 years is a sign of bad taste.

Caroline's words sparked a storm of discussion on social media. After all, Herrera is known for its refined taste, and her outfits always have a thoughtful design. Can this 84-year-old woman, who has tremendous experience and authority, be wrong?
Carolina Herrera was born in Venezuela, where she became interested in fashion. Back in the 70s, she was called one of the most stylish ladies of the planet. In the early 80s, Caroline moved to the United States, where things went even better. In 1987, she launched her first fragrance, and did it very successfully. The proceeds from the sale of perfume helped her finance her collection of clothes.

Today, Carolina boasts various successful businesses: an outstanding collection of fashionable clothes, and a line for newlyweds, and exquisite perfumes, and accessories. What to say, if her personal fortune has already exceeded $ 100 million.

Why is Caroline making such controversial claims? Nothing ages a woman like pretending to be young. And when a woman reaches a certain age, she should form and improve her personal style.
“I do not believe that blindly following trends will make a woman irresistible. When you follow trends, it's like wearing a uniform. When a piece of clothing becomes popular, everyone wears it. In the end, everyone looks the same, the fashion designer laments.
Also, Caroline Herrera assured that miniskirts can only be worn by young girls. A bikini should be abandoned to those ladies who are approaching the 50-year mark. The expert herself said that she refused outdoor swimsuits when she was slightly over 40, and does not regret it.
“A woman must age with dignity. When I see someone on the street with long hair and a miniskirt, I think such a lady is cute. But as soon as she turns around - and I see how ridiculous an elderly lady looks in this image, - says the designer.

Of course, Caroline Herrera understands a lot about fashion and style. But it seems that her advice oversimplifies everything, fits all women to the same pattern, which is hardly right. After all, each person is unique, each has his own unique style. And to feel comfortable, he hardly needs to listen to the advice of even such a significant expert. Isn't that right?
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