Aphid plastered all the tomatoes, I have never seen this before, although I have been gardening for more than 10 years, looking for a reliable way to get rid of the scourge.
Aphids on tomatoes One of the common problems that gardeners face when growing tomatoes. Insects feed on the juices of the plant, which causes him irreparable harm, and are also carriers of fungal diseases, which then have to fight.
On tomatoes there are the following types of aphids: peach, black, melon and white. How do you know if a plant has aphids? It's very simple! Focus on the following indicators. The presence of insects on the stems and on the back of the leaves. The presence of small drops of sticky substance, which ants like to feast on. Twisting flowers and leaves due to lack of juice.
It is also possible deformation and yellowing of leaves on tomatoes. Slowing the growth of the plant and reducing resistance to diseases.
If aphids are found on tomatoes, it is necessary to immediately start destroying them, because insects are very fertile and multiply too quickly. You can fight pests with the help of chemical and biological drugs or folk methods.
Chemicals "Aktar", "Ampligo", "Actellik", "Alatar", "BI-58", "Teppeki" and others effectively fight insects, but can harm your health. If you decide to use a chemical insecticide, carefully read the instructions for its use. You also need to consider the time it takes before tomatoes can be eaten.
To protect yourself, it is advised to use biological drugs "Actarophyt", "Actaverm", "Actophyt", "Bitoxibacillin", "Lepidocid", "Fitoverm" and the like, which are non-toxic to the human body. They can be treated with tomato bushes shortly before the first ripe fruits are collected.
After a week, the treatment of tomatoes from aphids is recommended to be repeated, because the drugs may not affect the eggs of insects, and their population will revive. To scare off insects, the soil under the bushes can be sprinkled with coffee grounds or ash.
Folk remedies For the destruction of aphids on tomatoes use folk remedies.
It is recommended to treat tomatoes from aphids in the evening or in the morning on weathery days in the absence of strong wind.

On tomatoes there are the following types of aphids: peach, black, melon and white. How do you know if a plant has aphids? It's very simple! Focus on the following indicators. The presence of insects on the stems and on the back of the leaves. The presence of small drops of sticky substance, which ants like to feast on. Twisting flowers and leaves due to lack of juice.
It is also possible deformation and yellowing of leaves on tomatoes. Slowing the growth of the plant and reducing resistance to diseases.

If aphids are found on tomatoes, it is necessary to immediately start destroying them, because insects are very fertile and multiply too quickly. You can fight pests with the help of chemical and biological drugs or folk methods.
Chemicals "Aktar", "Ampligo", "Actellik", "Alatar", "BI-58", "Teppeki" and others effectively fight insects, but can harm your health. If you decide to use a chemical insecticide, carefully read the instructions for its use. You also need to consider the time it takes before tomatoes can be eaten.

To protect yourself, it is advised to use biological drugs "Actarophyt", "Actaverm", "Actophyt", "Bitoxibacillin", "Lepidocid", "Fitoverm" and the like, which are non-toxic to the human body. They can be treated with tomato bushes shortly before the first ripe fruits are collected.
After a week, the treatment of tomatoes from aphids is recommended to be repeated, because the drugs may not affect the eggs of insects, and their population will revive. To scare off insects, the soil under the bushes can be sprinkled with coffee grounds or ash.
Folk remedies For the destruction of aphids on tomatoes use folk remedies.
- Garlic tincture. You need 200 g of garlic pour 3 liters of boiling water and insist for 2-3 days. Then add another 3 liters of water and the resulting solution is carefully sprayed with tomato bushes.
- Tobacco tincture. Tobacco leaves, butts or butts are poured with water and insist at least a day. Then the plants are treated with this liquid.
- Clean tincture. Purity must be crushed, poured with boiling water and left for the night to infuse. Then in this water dissolve a piece of household soap and irrigate tomatoes.
- Tincture of wormwood. Wormwood needs to be cut, filled with it a bucket a quarter and pour hot water. The grass is insisted for a day, then the liquid is filtered, tar soap is added and all plants are treated with it.
- Soda. In 10 liters of water dissolve 3 tbsp. l of ordinary soda and spray it on all tomato bushes.
- Samogon. Alcohol-containing agents sprinkle all plants until the complete disappearance of harmful insects.
- Pharmacies. For 10 liters of water take 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide and 1 glass of vodka. This solution is treated with plants affected by aphids.
- Tar soap. Soap dissolve in 1 liter of hot water, pour a glass of vegetable oil there and mix thoroughly. Next, the resulting mass of 10 liters of water is diluted and all bushes are treated with it.
- Flea repellent. In 3 liters of water dissolve a pair of shampoo caps from fleas, add tar soap, and then spray this mixture on tomatoes.
It is recommended to treat tomatoes from aphids in the evening or in the morning on weathery days in the absence of strong wind.
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