Add this remedy to the water and sprayed on the mattress, bed bugs will run away in an instant.

Bed bugs are the most unpleasant thing that can settle in your bed. These small insects can cause great harm to the inhabitants of the house. And spoiled furniture or bed linen is the smallest thing bedbugs can do. But you can easily get rid of them if you cook ours. effective remedy for bedbugs.

If in the morning you get out of bed in small red dots, then all night bedbugs had a feast. They bite open areas of the body, such as the hands, legs, neck, face. Their bites cause itching and unpleasant sensations. They can also bite domestic animals.

But the most unpleasant thing about these neighbors is that they are carriers of allergies. Their normal habitat is dust. Therefore, they create their home from house dust. And to remove such tenants is sometimes very, very difficult.

How do they come into our homes? Bedbugs are very small insects no larger than 5 mm in size. During the day, they hide in dark corners, so it is very difficult to detect them. Bedbugs can settle in the sofa in the furniture store. They also live in furniture factories.

Therefore, very often we buy a new bed or sofa with unwanted neighbors. Bedbugs also live in a natural environment, that is, on the street. Pests love to travel. They can enter our home on the fur of a pet, on our clothes or shoes. In addition, we can bring them into the house along with wild flowers plucked in the woods near the house.

But what to do when you do not want to tolerate such a neighborhood under one blanket? Like many insects, bedbugs react sharply to certain odors. When they smell an unpleasant aroma, they hurry to leave their habitat. We will tell you how to prepare an effective remedy for bedbugs at home.

Not always purchase funds are effective, and buying a new sofa is also not a guarantee of safety. Therefore, it is better to arm yourself with water, spray and one of the following flavors. Best suited. aromas of lemon, cloves, mint, eucalyptus, lavender or turmeric.

Pour water into the spray gun and add a few drops of the appropriate essential oil. Then sprayed over the surface of the sofa, bed or other furniture. Be sure to walk carefully through all crevices and hard-to-reach places. It is in these places that bedbugs prefer to sit out the daytime.

You can also use citric acid, but then it should be diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 with water to get the desired effect. For greater efficiency, essential oil can be added to a diffuser or flavored fireplace.

The stronger the smell, the faster the bedbugs will leave your house forever. To consolidate the result, you can dig a few drops of essential oil with an unloved aroma for bedbugs onto a cotton-coated disc and decompose them in far corners. Then bedbugs will not have a single chance to hide and wait out their extermination. It is advisable to repeat these procedures periodically. Then the bugs will never come back to you again.

Have you ever had such trouble in your home? What methods have been most effective in fighting bed bugs? Share your experience in the comments.


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