Mom has suddenly returned home from abroad, and now she wants us to sell her grandmother’s apartment.

It is believed that frivolous He walks freely through life without turning to the past. And that seems to be the way it should be. No stress from a job you don't like, no hard thoughts about possible failures. Only moving forward, constant meetings with new people and cheerfulness of spirit. Well, the workers don't understand.

Peels But there's another side to the coin. Namely, people who depend on such a person. Like his kids. Or old parents. Or friends who needed help. But for a frivolous person, all this will not matter. He will not take any request seriously, no matter how significant. After all, for a frivolous person, even his own life is nothing more than another adventure.

I never thought I would have any problems with my mother in my 40s. Especially since I haven’t seen her most of my life. Imagine, and now we may even sue her. The truth is that life is stranger than any book or movie.

So here's the thing. When I was a young girl, my mother went to Europe. She left me for my grandmother, and she flew off to earn money to ensure a happy future for me. It was a little different, but I can’t blame anyone for it. After all, abroad does not guarantee a successful career for everyone. You probably need luck and talent.

Peels was raised by my grandmother anyway. I went to school, tried to be the best in the class, pored over the lessons until late at night. And this has worked. I was able to go to college. There it was easier for me: teachers did not load students with meaningless cramming, there was time for personal life and so on.

During this period, my mother sent me and my grandmother money twice, and she sent me some cheap summer dress that didn’t fit my height. But I was not offended, because money is not the main thing, and I did not experience a lack of clothes. I just wanted to see her, talk to her, see how she was there.

But my mom never had time to talk to me on the phone. She was constantly moving and traveled all over Europe. She told her grandmother that she plans to come home in a year or two, but that she plans to stay abroad indefinitely. According to her, at that time “some possible prospects were noted.”

Meanwhile, I made a choice for myself in favor of work and switched to a correspondence form of study. Work by profession has its advantages, especially for a student. In fact, I practiced and even started earning good money for myself. I had nothing to spend, so I gave the money to my grandmother. If my mom couldn't do it, at least I could do it for her.

The next few years, nothing interesting happened: I got a higher education, my mother moved to another country. But then... I finally proposed to my boyfriend, with whom we had a relationship since the second year. And my mom called, promised to come. She did not want to miss the wedding.

Peels I got married a happy man. My beloved man became my husband. Mom's here. Grandma was in good health. Even at work, I got a pay raise. Great time. My mom and I were very close. We went shopping, I introduced her to my friends, she gave me appliances for the wedding. Too bad she had to leave in two weeks. But what can you do?

After the wedding, my life changed a lot. I became a mom. Then again and again. On the career, unfortunately, had to put an end. Who else would look after the kids if not me? I could not transfer such a burden of responsibility to my grandmother, and working for a nanny alone is completely stupid.

It’s good that the husband pulled himself together and, showing initiative at work, achieved that he was put in a well-paid place. It's not like we were swimming in money, but we could afford to live in a three-bedroom apartment. Really, rented. It's okay, it's gonna be okay.

Peels meanwhile, years have passed. I turned 40. Grandma's getting old. My husband and I tried to help her, especially since she reminded him of his own grandmother. She wanted to give us her apartment. I did all the paperwork, even though we didn’t ask for it. That’s all, even somehow stopped thinking about it.

But my mother came to town. And now her mood wasn't as welcoming as it was on my wedding day. She brought nothing with her. It turned out that the man with whom she lived all this time was a liar. After his death, it turned out that he was in debt as in silk. All his properties were on bail. And the only thing he left behind was a receipt from some very serious people. There was no time to lose and my mother decided to go home.

As for a woman over 60 she looked great. Tanned, well-groomed. With an eternal smile and a light accent. A real lady. Except the pocket is empty. And the first thing she did was go to her grandmother. With an offer to sell her apartment, to change it for housing easier, and the monetary benefit to divide in half. What to do, so it happened, forced measures.

To which Grandma reasonably replied, that’s all. The train's gone. The apartment will now be mine after her death. Before that, you can only live and enjoy life. Nothing more. That's when my mother turned from a carefree woman into a scandalist and extortionist. Now she wants me to give permission to sell the apartment. Even though she now has three grandchildren she hasn't even visited.

Of course, I am not going to sign anything. This apartment is my hope for a normal future for our family. And mom's not in it anymore. Most of my life I haven’t met her. And now I have to be. I'm thinking maybe I could buy her a juicer and a summer dress. I'll pay her back for her past gifts, and we'll be even. Do you think that's a good idea?


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