Only 60% of those surveyed saw which baby was a girl.

There are people who believe that Our children choose us. ourselves. Some young mothers even talk about dreams when they managed to see their child, who was not even born. Of course, proving or disproving something here is difficult. After all, even the arguments of omniscient scientists in such cases almost do not work.

But today's edition. "Site" It offers readers a clever psychological test. Can you tell who's a boy and who's a girl? It is interesting that the selected options say a lot about the person. You will have a good opportunity to learn something interesting.

In fact, this task is more difficult than it seems at first glance. After all, even experienced pediatricians can correctly name the sex of a baby by its face only in 55-65% of cases. And these, I agree, are not outstanding indicators. You think you can do better? Then look at the picture below.

Many readers will be immediately confused. There are two (or even three) girls here. And someone doubts whether there is any trick here. I mean, there's only one guy here. In fact, the girl is here. Any luck finding her?

  1. Clever psychologists have found that the first baby is often indicated by principled people. You tend to carefully analyze all the information received and only then make a choice. Such people prefer to avoid conflict, they put the interests of others high. It is interesting that you can even set aside your own motives to do the right thing. Of course, objectivity is a good thing. But don't forget to think about yourself.

    And no, the number 1 in the picture is not a girl, but a boy.

  2. The second child is usually indicated by the most sociable people. Your charm helps to establish a relationship with any stranger. But you still value trusted friends and love spending time with them. And you love adventures that promise fun. Sometimes you act rashly and quite impulsively. Don’t forget to think about the consequences of risk. After all, at some point, luck can turn away from you. Find a balance so you don’t have to regret your actions.

    And yes, there's a boy here again.

Such a choice is made by self-confident people who do not admit that someone can have a more correct point of view. It is difficult for you to accept the arguments of others, it is difficult to compromise. This creates constant tension in relationships with others. At the same time, your determination helps to succeed in any business. You are organized enough to easily settle down in a new place. You can become a leader and lead the team. But at the same time, learn to listen to others. Understand that everyone is good at something. Everyone has something to learn.

And yes, number 3 in the picture is a girl.

I could tell right away. where the lady lay? Share your thoughts in the comments. Also learn how to raise children Alla Pugacheva. You can also read about the characteristics of education that distinguish Italian parents from everyone else.


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