A Jewish sage was once asked what greed was.

Representatives of the Jewish people are by default considered wise, witty and insightful. Some of their qualities are not jokingly annoying, and someone causes envy. But it is impossible not to admit that these people definitely have something to learn. They know, what is mercantileAnd how bad she is.

Today's edition. "Site" He invites readers to familiarize themselves with Jewish wisdom about money and the attitude towards money. Is greed really welcome among Jews? Or is it just a lie that is spread by detractors?

What is mercantile?
  1. Money is not as good as it is bad without it.
    The first proverb makes one wonder how much Jews value wealth. It seems that money is put on the important, but not on the first place. And you need to earn well not for meaningless accumulation, but for a comfortable and dignified life. After all, no matter how you treat money, but if there are very few, then it is difficult to live with pleasure.

  2. “No money, don't be lazy. There's money, don't be proud.
    Wisdom that is definitely worth the attention. Here is a tip for those who earn less than they would like. But there is also a guidance for a person who has already earned enough (or earned enough). “No money, don’t be proud,” it seems that Jews take these words very seriously. They do not like to show off their income, they behave in secret.

  3. “Good wishes will not make you rich.”
    There is more to these words than it seems at first glance. Even the most pleasant and heartfelt wishes do not give anything on their own. Jews believe that it is much better to give a person good advice than to fall asleep with his wishes. It is more useful to help him solve a problem, to provide a good opportunity. It is not forbidden to speak kind words to your loved ones.

  4. “Everyone complains about lack of money, but no one complains about lack of intelligence.”
    Jews value good education and good education. They understand that reason plays a decisive role in how well-off a person will be. Therefore, they welcome the constant development of thinking abilities, encourage the desire to learn something new all your life.

Attitude to problems "Don't be nervous, they don't pay for it."
This is not about money, but about the futility of experiences. You can be nervous because of any nonsense, waste time and vitality on empty worries. But what's the point? It is better to learn to put bad emotions aside in order to act rationally and productively.

“If money can solve a problem, it’s not a problem, it’s an expense.”
Like a continuation of the previous wisdom. The fate of the Jewish people, who had to go through a lot, played a role here. This taught me to be more calm about any problems. Small problems that are solved are not worth worrying about.

“One fool will buy so much that ten smart people won’t sell.”
As you can see, Jews do not welcome extravagance. They believe that a reasonable person will not squander money, will not buy nonsense. Every resource is not infinite. Money (as a resource) should only be invested in something valuable.

What do you think of those words? You think they're wise and witty? Share your opinion with other readers in the comments. Also learn Jewish quotes about the art of silence. And also enjoy the apt words of Boris Akunin about life.


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