The elderly lady in the picture is seen by those who are over 30 years old, an old age test
“Old age is not scary for a woman if you are young at heart and busy with what you love!” says my mother. By the way, you can be an old man at 25 and be mischievous and inquisitive to life at 60. It all depends. lifestyle And the way she treats her!
Today's edition. "Site" Invite them to take a test on ageing your brain. Test yourself!
Experts say: according to statistics brain It begins to age after 25 years. But by the age of 65-70, cognitive functions of a person – memory, thinking, reaction speed – decrease by an average of 50%.
However, this is not a constant at all and you should not be upset about this. There are many activities (exercises) that will help rejuvenate the brain. To keep intelligence in shape, it is necessary to create a healthy environment for it, as well as regularly challenge it. But one or two exercises a week will not be enough. An almost round-the-clock process is needed!
First, quality rest. Especially healthy sleep! Move regularly.Hiking, Pilates, yoga. You can take your beloved husband and go to the dance.
My mother’s friend, Irina, at 67, dances bachata and cha-cha. I can't do that! Secondly, learning a foreign language is very powerful brain development. Just teach: the words of the song you like, a beautiful poem, a piece of prose. That's so great!
Plan and train your memory. For example, in the evening, find a quiet place in the house and for 10 minutes try to remember as much as possible what you did and what you said in the morning. Even young people wonder how difficult this exercise is. But the effort is worth it.
Now let's get to the test itself. Here's the picture. Look closely at it, and then ask yourself, “Who do you see on it?” Do not think too long, dwell on the answer, the image of which came to mind in the first place.
The elderly lady in the picture is seen by those who are over 30 years old.
Even if you think that test Not about you at all, think again. Maybe this is the bell to start giving more time to your loved one. For example, finally start learning English.
I also recommend taking a mental age test. Answer all the questions, count the scores and find out how young you really are!
Regardless of the result of this test, I want to say that the first signs of brain aging can occur both in a person who has already stepped over the 40-year mark, and almost in yesterday's student. But, as you can see, all this can be easily corrected by living a full life, exposing yourself to new challenges every day. And certainly do not fall into depression!
By the way, the old age of a woman or a man is future. We have long been taught that children are our future. That's not true. You will not see children when they are old, but old age is the present future. And she's certainly not to be feared. It is better to live this wonderful time beautifully, spiritually and joyfully. And it depends only on ourselves!
Today's edition. "Site" Invite them to take a test on ageing your brain. Test yourself!

Experts say: according to statistics brain It begins to age after 25 years. But by the age of 65-70, cognitive functions of a person – memory, thinking, reaction speed – decrease by an average of 50%.
However, this is not a constant at all and you should not be upset about this. There are many activities (exercises) that will help rejuvenate the brain. To keep intelligence in shape, it is necessary to create a healthy environment for it, as well as regularly challenge it. But one or two exercises a week will not be enough. An almost round-the-clock process is needed!

First, quality rest. Especially healthy sleep! Move regularly.Hiking, Pilates, yoga. You can take your beloved husband and go to the dance.
My mother’s friend, Irina, at 67, dances bachata and cha-cha. I can't do that! Secondly, learning a foreign language is very powerful brain development. Just teach: the words of the song you like, a beautiful poem, a piece of prose. That's so great!

Plan and train your memory. For example, in the evening, find a quiet place in the house and for 10 minutes try to remember as much as possible what you did and what you said in the morning. Even young people wonder how difficult this exercise is. But the effort is worth it.

Now let's get to the test itself. Here's the picture. Look closely at it, and then ask yourself, “Who do you see on it?” Do not think too long, dwell on the answer, the image of which came to mind in the first place.

The elderly lady in the picture is seen by those who are over 30 years old.
Even if you think that test Not about you at all, think again. Maybe this is the bell to start giving more time to your loved one. For example, finally start learning English.

I also recommend taking a mental age test. Answer all the questions, count the scores and find out how young you really are!
Regardless of the result of this test, I want to say that the first signs of brain aging can occur both in a person who has already stepped over the 40-year mark, and almost in yesterday's student. But, as you can see, all this can be easily corrected by living a full life, exposing yourself to new challenges every day. And certainly do not fall into depression!
By the way, the old age of a woman or a man is future. We have long been taught that children are our future. That's not true. You will not see children when they are old, but old age is the present future. And she's certainly not to be feared. It is better to live this wonderful time beautifully, spiritually and joyfully. And it depends only on ourselves!
Cute fishermen don't even glide across the surface of a lake, trick with shoes to run on ice
Look closely at the pictures and tell me how many faces you see here, check visual acuity.