5 Dangerous Effects of Alcohol Consumption A lot of people don't even know it!

We are told about the dangers of alcohol in school. But today's edition. "So Simple!" Demonstrate how insidious it can be. alcoholism. We will show a number of pictures that were taken after the autopsy of people suffering from this terrible disease.

Consequences of alcoholism
  1. Heart.
    Systematic alcoholism Over time, it can lead to cardiomyopathy - a disease that is characterized by a violation of the structure and functions of the heart muscle. Over time, people who abuse alcohol, the heart loses the ability to contract in the right rhythm. At autopsy, such a person often has an expansion of the heart cavities, cardiosclerosis and fatty myocardial degeneration.

  2. Liver
    According to statistics, about 95% of alcohol addicts suffer from fatty hepatosis. In the course of the disease, healthy liver cells degenerate into fat cells. Often, after fatty hepatosis, fibrosis begins, and then cirrhosis of the liver.

  3. gastrointestinal tract
    The systematic use of alcohol causes atrophy of the gastric mucosa. This disease is a type of gastritis and indicates a precancerous condition. It is urgent to undergo a course of treatment to avoid the appearance of neoplasms.

  4. The brain.
    Alcohol has destructive properties for cerebral cortex cells. Also, a violation of brain functions is caused by a lack of vitamin B1. These factors contribute to the development of a disease such as alcoholic encephalopathy.

  5. Mental disorders
    Unfortunately, they are inevitable and appear in all patients. First there is excessive irritability, rapid fatigue, as well as sleep disturbance. Over time, diseases such as white fever, alcoholic hallucinosis and alcoholic paranoid (persecution delusions) can develop.

This article is just a warning about the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. Of course, a glass of wine or beer on holidays does not harm your body. But this information can not be ignored, as in our country the number of alcoholics is increasing every year.

Forewarned means armed. Share a useful article with your friends - they will be grateful!


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