Why soak onions in soda solution
The weather pleases us with unusual warmth, which means that the time for sowing is approaching. Especially carefully gardeners relate to onions, which is traditionally considered a natural protector from all kinds of misfortunes and is abundantly eaten at all times of the year. It's worth worrying about the harvest, isn't it?
In this article, the editorial board "Site" will introduce you to one of the many methods of preparing onion seedlings for landing on open ground. The main ingredient here is soda. How to plant onionsWe will also tell you why wet it in soda solution.
Those who use a similar method believe that soda solution increases the quality properties of the plant and it is thanks to it that the onion suffers less from diseases, grows better, lasts longer in the pantry. In addition, soda acts as a fungicidal and antiseptic agent. That’s why soda adherents always harvest a good harvest.
How to soak onions
So, bow-sowing It is still there to look at the seedlings themselves. Onions should be clean, uniform, of the same color, with dry husks. If there are stains, rottenness or something like that, then no soda will certainly help. That's it, we wish you a good harvest! Be sure to write in the comments everything you think about this.

In this article, the editorial board "Site" will introduce you to one of the many methods of preparing onion seedlings for landing on open ground. The main ingredient here is soda. How to plant onionsWe will also tell you why wet it in soda solution.

Those who use a similar method believe that soda solution increases the quality properties of the plant and it is thanks to it that the onion suffers less from diseases, grows better, lasts longer in the pantry. In addition, soda acts as a fungicidal and antiseptic agent. That’s why soda adherents always harvest a good harvest.

How to soak onions
- If you also decided to join this method, then you should remember that only baking soda is used. There is an opinion that it makes up for the lack of minerals in the onions, so the treated seedlings feel better in dry weather and respond better to soil.
- Gardeners believe that due to treatment with soda, the growth of so-called “arrows” decreases, which slow down the growth of the plant, thereby harming it. For the best effect, it is recommended to heat the solution to 40 degrees Celsius and the onions should be warmed up. Some people heat up to 60 degrees, but I think it's better not to.
- It is important to adhere to the correct proportions so as not to get a negative result: if soda is not enough, the antiseptic properties will decrease, if more - the onions will simply not grow. Proportions are as follows: one liter of water goes one liter teaspoon soda. It doesn't seem hard to remember.
- So, the solution has been sorted out. It is not difficult to prepare onions. The main task is to clean it of the husk, which itself is almost flying away. But in no case should the onion be cleaned of the husk completely - it will not rise. Put the onion in the solution, cover it with a towel, so it should stand for half an hour. Now you can plant it in the ground.
- In addition to the onion itself, you can treat a solution of soda and soil on which it will grow. It will help to reduce aciditywhich, in turn, will affect the development of pathogenic microflora and weeds in the direction of reduction.
So, bow-sowing It is still there to look at the seedlings themselves. Onions should be clean, uniform, of the same color, with dry husks. If there are stains, rottenness or something like that, then no soda will certainly help. That's it, we wish you a good harvest! Be sure to write in the comments everything you think about this.