How to properly plant onions-seeding
Cultivation of onions from curvature occurs in two stages: the first year is cultivated sowing, and in the second only - a full-fledged harvest in the form of large onion heads.
Most often, we skip the first stage and buy a ready-made seedling. However, some procedures must be done before landing.
Soaking the seedling at times will increase germination and yield. The use of solutions strengthens the immunity of the plant.
There is a whole range of folk remedies that can be treated with onions before landing. And each of them is effective in its own way. Let's give examples.
Onion seed How to prepare an onion seed for planting? Even soaking in plain water, heated to 40 ° C, for 10 minutes will bring a disinfectant effect. It is better to take water not from the tap mixed with chlorine, but from the well.
Also well disinfect a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is enough to hold the seedling in it for 15 minutes.
A more radical impact will have a natural, but purchased means "Epin-extra". It is a biostimulant drug that accelerates ripening.
For better development of onions, dilute a tablespoon of seasonal mineral fertilizers in a bucket of water and soak a seed in them for the whole day.
DepositPhotos Decontaminate the planting material also allows a concentrated salt solution. Dilute a kilogram of salt in half a bucket of warm water. It will be enough 2-hour soaking. After him, the onion will not be afraid of fungi or flies.
DepositPhotos Soaking the planting material in a weak solution of copper sulfur (1 tsp per bucket of water) also activates its defenses.
Well activates the growth of nitrate onions. In a bucket of hot water add 2 tbsp nitrate. You can only hold it for 15 minutes. After that, it will be much quicker.
And finally, ashes. It is not even necessary to soak the planting material in it. You can sprinkle ash planted sowing, and then fill it with earth. This method of fertilizer will help protect onions from rotting.
How do you plant an onion seed? They plant onions in May, when the ground is already warmed up. Observing the rule of crop rotation, placing on the same place only after three years.
They make shallow beds in which they are planted, pressing the dong down into the moist soil so that the top is level with the soil. This is about 2-3 cm.
Keep the optimal distance between the rows - 20 cm, and between the sieves themselves in the row - 8-10 cm.
DepositPhotos After planting, it is desirable to mulch the bed with peat or sawdust to keep the moist upper layer of soil longer.
After the appearance of the first upper leaves of the crops, it is recommended to feed with mullet, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Make sure there are no weeds.
More about how to care for garden plants and increase their yield, read in our next articles. Follow the links.
Most often, we skip the first stage and buy a ready-made seedling. However, some procedures must be done before landing.
Soaking the seedling at times will increase germination and yield. The use of solutions strengthens the immunity of the plant.
There is a whole range of folk remedies that can be treated with onions before landing. And each of them is effective in its own way. Let's give examples.

Onion seed How to prepare an onion seed for planting? Even soaking in plain water, heated to 40 ° C, for 10 minutes will bring a disinfectant effect. It is better to take water not from the tap mixed with chlorine, but from the well.
Also well disinfect a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is enough to hold the seedling in it for 15 minutes.

A more radical impact will have a natural, but purchased means "Epin-extra". It is a biostimulant drug that accelerates ripening.
For better development of onions, dilute a tablespoon of seasonal mineral fertilizers in a bucket of water and soak a seed in them for the whole day.

DepositPhotos Decontaminate the planting material also allows a concentrated salt solution. Dilute a kilogram of salt in half a bucket of warm water. It will be enough 2-hour soaking. After him, the onion will not be afraid of fungi or flies.

DepositPhotos Soaking the planting material in a weak solution of copper sulfur (1 tsp per bucket of water) also activates its defenses.
Well activates the growth of nitrate onions. In a bucket of hot water add 2 tbsp nitrate. You can only hold it for 15 minutes. After that, it will be much quicker.

And finally, ashes. It is not even necessary to soak the planting material in it. You can sprinkle ash planted sowing, and then fill it with earth. This method of fertilizer will help protect onions from rotting.
How do you plant an onion seed? They plant onions in May, when the ground is already warmed up. Observing the rule of crop rotation, placing on the same place only after three years.

They make shallow beds in which they are planted, pressing the dong down into the moist soil so that the top is level with the soil. This is about 2-3 cm.
Keep the optimal distance between the rows - 20 cm, and between the sieves themselves in the row - 8-10 cm.

DepositPhotos After planting, it is desirable to mulch the bed with peat or sawdust to keep the moist upper layer of soil longer.
After the appearance of the first upper leaves of the crops, it is recommended to feed with mullet, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Make sure there are no weeds.

More about how to care for garden plants and increase their yield, read in our next articles. Follow the links.