Things that can not be given to relatives and friends, they attract misfortune.
“Rejoice in some gifts, beware of others!” I heard a wise grandmother from the village. Gifts should be made from the heart, but carefully. Because there are things that can quarrel and the family, and their health and well-being.
Surely, there are gifts that we receive or give in distress. Today's edition. "Site" Share a list of things that donate And they attract misfortune. I'd rather have the money on the card!
The fact that you can not give a watch, perhaps everyone knows. They can stop the time of your luck and happy life, bring quarrels and confusion into the house. In addition, wristwatches, like jewelry, choose not only for beauty, but also intuitively - mine or not mine. The watch should lie on your hand without causing discomfort.
If you want a gift like this, ask for a coin. The gift becomes a purchase and all superstitions are neutralized.
Giving knives is also very bad luck. It is believed that the knife, if given, can cause serious quarrels and strife. An old superstition says that knives attract evil forces, hence the belief that you can not eat with a knife - you will become evil.
Although, of course, it's more of a prejudice. Cold weapons are still considered a welcome gift among men. When giving a knife, the “coin” rule also works.
Same goes for scissors. They shorten life, break relationships with others. Do not take them, do not hesitate to refuse such a gift.
A gift in the form of a mirror takes away beauty, youth and joy. Old mirrors are especially dangerous. Even rites later don't always help. It is best not to take such a gift, if not, then throw it away.
Handkerchiefs are never given either. It is believed that together with them, other people’s tears and sorrows come to the house. A very old superstition concerns towels. In Russia, it was believed that such a gift can lead to a long separation. Although, in my opinion, towels can be given. Such a gift should be abandoned only if your recipient is superstitious.
I was very surprised by the sock advice. It turns out that the wife is better not to give her husband socks, as they can leave the house. Also the discovery was information about cosmetics for showering and washing. Knowledgeable people say that because of the gift of a shower gel, someone can “wash” out of your life.
Strangely enough, pearls symbolize tears. Our ancestors believed that a woman would be unhappy until she got rid of the gift. If you give pearls a representative of the fair sex, there are risks that he will take away your youth and beauty.
Chains are also undesirable to give. Wise people say that if suddenly the gift chain breaks (and here no one is insured), then, according to legend, this can lead to a break in relations with its donor.
The editorial board also suggests reading wise tips for improving well-being. Put 2 beans in your wallet and do business honestly!
Someone will say that this is all nonsense, superstition, I do not believe in signs. It's business to believe or not. I will say one thing, because my sister a couple of years ago on New Year’s Eve gave my mother-in-law a set of knives, and on the evening of the first January came under the same knife with appendicitis.
If you want, believe after that, but if you want, no. Have you ever had a gift like this in your life?
Surely, there are gifts that we receive or give in distress. Today's edition. "Site" Share a list of things that donate And they attract misfortune. I'd rather have the money on the card!

The fact that you can not give a watch, perhaps everyone knows. They can stop the time of your luck and happy life, bring quarrels and confusion into the house. In addition, wristwatches, like jewelry, choose not only for beauty, but also intuitively - mine or not mine. The watch should lie on your hand without causing discomfort.
If you want a gift like this, ask for a coin. The gift becomes a purchase and all superstitions are neutralized.

Giving knives is also very bad luck. It is believed that the knife, if given, can cause serious quarrels and strife. An old superstition says that knives attract evil forces, hence the belief that you can not eat with a knife - you will become evil.
Although, of course, it's more of a prejudice. Cold weapons are still considered a welcome gift among men. When giving a knife, the “coin” rule also works.

Same goes for scissors. They shorten life, break relationships with others. Do not take them, do not hesitate to refuse such a gift.

A gift in the form of a mirror takes away beauty, youth and joy. Old mirrors are especially dangerous. Even rites later don't always help. It is best not to take such a gift, if not, then throw it away.

Handkerchiefs are never given either. It is believed that together with them, other people’s tears and sorrows come to the house. A very old superstition concerns towels. In Russia, it was believed that such a gift can lead to a long separation. Although, in my opinion, towels can be given. Such a gift should be abandoned only if your recipient is superstitious.

I was very surprised by the sock advice. It turns out that the wife is better not to give her husband socks, as they can leave the house. Also the discovery was information about cosmetics for showering and washing. Knowledgeable people say that because of the gift of a shower gel, someone can “wash” out of your life.

Strangely enough, pearls symbolize tears. Our ancestors believed that a woman would be unhappy until she got rid of the gift. If you give pearls a representative of the fair sex, there are risks that he will take away your youth and beauty.
Chains are also undesirable to give. Wise people say that if suddenly the gift chain breaks (and here no one is insured), then, according to legend, this can lead to a break in relations with its donor.

The editorial board also suggests reading wise tips for improving well-being. Put 2 beans in your wallet and do business honestly!
Someone will say that this is all nonsense, superstition, I do not believe in signs. It's business to believe or not. I will say one thing, because my sister a couple of years ago on New Year’s Eve gave my mother-in-law a set of knives, and on the evening of the first January came under the same knife with appendicitis.
If you want, believe after that, but if you want, no. Have you ever had a gift like this in your life?
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