New Year's dishes that the obstinate Water Rabbit will not tolerate on the table
According to the Eastern calendar, 2023 will be the year of the Black Water Rabbit. To appease him, celebrate the New Year should be in the circle of the closest people. In this case, the table for the year of the Rabbit should be thought out in advance, and to the smallest detail!
Today's edition. "Site" tell you what feed Water Rabbit on New Year's Eve. To please the meticulous Rabbit, forget about the coat. Meat is forbidden, otherwise it will be a disaster!
The table for the year of the Rabbit Rabbit is a herbivorous animal, which means that if you you want to please himThe main dishes of the New Year’s table should be vegetarian. Prepare a lot of vegetables, they will bring all home and guests only benefit. Well, if you want to be lucky in the new year, be sure to include cabbage and carrots in the New Year menu.
Vegetable snacks will be a favorite of your table, especially if they are in them. will be carrots - rabbit's favorite treat. Carrots in Korean, salads with carrots, sauerkraut and stewed cabbage - this is what you should include in the festive menu. Also, apples will not be superfluous. By the way, they come out with very interesting and non-trivial salads.
But about a rabbit or a rabbit and there can be no talk. This delicious diet meat is best left for other celebrations, replacing it with delicious treats from other low-fat meat or fish.
Make sure you have all the greens (except sweets). Greens are not only useful, but also very beautiful. Salads can be cooked without meat, replacing them, for example, with mushrooms or seafood.
It is not recommended to make salads in the form of a rabbit, as the future owner will not like it. It is advisable to give them the form of a hoop, basket and other similar things.
Nana New Year's table Do not skimp on delicacies (if possible), and serve them in the form of sandwiches. Brusketts with red caviar or fish will decorate any festive table.
I also want to remind you that rabbits are quite selective in their food and prefer beautiful, not spoiled foods without a sharp odor. From this it follows that you do not need to very saturate festive dishes with spicy seasonings and garlic.
Meat by-products are also excluded from the menu. Sausages, sausages, pate, which contains beef meat. Extremely fatty pork should also be restricted. Like the steering wheel.
In order to accompany the luck and blessing of the Water Rabbit, you should abandon jelly-based dishes. And don’t forget to make sure that there are candy and cakes on the New Year’s table. Rabbit likes to try something like that.
Drinks on the table should be natural. Give preference to strong homemade drinks aged in barrels, home compotes and juices of your own preparation. Especially. I like the host of the year. freshly squeezed carrot or orange juice. In the table setting, you should use blue, black colors and gold accents.
I also suggest you find out who the astrologer promised happiness for 2023. Who would have thought...
As you can see, demanding. symbol He dictates his terms. Personally, I'm already thinking about carrot pie and lots of fish dishes, as it's also the year of the Cat. Have you already started planning a table for the year of the Rabbit or do you think it's too early?
Today's edition. "Site" tell you what feed Water Rabbit on New Year's Eve. To please the meticulous Rabbit, forget about the coat. Meat is forbidden, otherwise it will be a disaster!

The table for the year of the Rabbit Rabbit is a herbivorous animal, which means that if you you want to please himThe main dishes of the New Year’s table should be vegetarian. Prepare a lot of vegetables, they will bring all home and guests only benefit. Well, if you want to be lucky in the new year, be sure to include cabbage and carrots in the New Year menu.

Vegetable snacks will be a favorite of your table, especially if they are in them. will be carrots - rabbit's favorite treat. Carrots in Korean, salads with carrots, sauerkraut and stewed cabbage - this is what you should include in the festive menu. Also, apples will not be superfluous. By the way, they come out with very interesting and non-trivial salads.
But about a rabbit or a rabbit and there can be no talk. This delicious diet meat is best left for other celebrations, replacing it with delicious treats from other low-fat meat or fish.

Make sure you have all the greens (except sweets). Greens are not only useful, but also very beautiful. Salads can be cooked without meat, replacing them, for example, with mushrooms or seafood.
It is not recommended to make salads in the form of a rabbit, as the future owner will not like it. It is advisable to give them the form of a hoop, basket and other similar things.

Nana New Year's table Do not skimp on delicacies (if possible), and serve them in the form of sandwiches. Brusketts with red caviar or fish will decorate any festive table.
I also want to remind you that rabbits are quite selective in their food and prefer beautiful, not spoiled foods without a sharp odor. From this it follows that you do not need to very saturate festive dishes with spicy seasonings and garlic.

Meat by-products are also excluded from the menu. Sausages, sausages, pate, which contains beef meat. Extremely fatty pork should also be restricted. Like the steering wheel.
In order to accompany the luck and blessing of the Water Rabbit, you should abandon jelly-based dishes. And don’t forget to make sure that there are candy and cakes on the New Year’s table. Rabbit likes to try something like that.

Drinks on the table should be natural. Give preference to strong homemade drinks aged in barrels, home compotes and juices of your own preparation. Especially. I like the host of the year. freshly squeezed carrot or orange juice. In the table setting, you should use blue, black colors and gold accents.

I also suggest you find out who the astrologer promised happiness for 2023. Who would have thought...
As you can see, demanding. symbol He dictates his terms. Personally, I'm already thinking about carrot pie and lots of fish dishes, as it's also the year of the Cat. Have you already started planning a table for the year of the Rabbit or do you think it's too early?
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