A trick from five-star hotels so that the bathtub always has a heavenly aroma

How to do it smell in your bathroom? In some houses it is quite difficult to achieve a beautiful fragrance. This may be due to old age at home, poor ventilation, poor quality pipes. If it is possible to eliminate such problems, then it is definitely worth doing. And to create a good smell will help this simple life hack.

Peels How to make a pleasant smell You need to prepare a special liquid To wash the toilet. It can also be used to clean the bath. You will need liquid powder, ordinary salt and vinegar. Such a cocktail successfully neutralizes unpleasant scents and destroys any dirt. If you clean the bathroom, using such a tool, it will be good to save on household chemicals.

Peels Smelling Mixture Components
  • 1 l liquid powder
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 3 tbsp vinegar

Peels Simple solution In a suitable sized container, combine liquid powder, salt and vinegar. Thoroughly stir the components of the detergent and do not forget to wear gloves. Now we have to start cleaning the toilet. Part of the detergent should be poured into the toilet, and part should be left for washing the rest of its components.

You need to carefully work with brushwork and clean the inner sides of the toilet from outdated plaque. When water is not of the best quality, it often leaves yellow marks. After our life hack with homemade detergent, such traces should disappear. Then take a rag or a smaller brush and clean the areas of the toilet under the seat.

Peels Water Reservoir is also desirable powder. As well as the lid, and all the other elements of the toilet. Prepare brushes of the right size and sponges with which you will wash the plumbing. In addition, you can make more products for a pleasant smell and flush the toilet with them during cleaning, after each manipulation.

Peels How to make a pleasant smell in the bathroom Similar tool can be used to clean the entire bathroom. Although there are different cases, it is quite logical. Earlier we wrote about homemade means for cleaning the bath. This material contains the most effective detergents that remove even old contaminants. Only use them should be as careful as possible.

How do you deal with bad smell in the bathroom? Limiting yourself to funds from the stores, or can you share your cleaning trick? If so, tell us about it. We are sure that our subscribers will be interested in getting acquainted with useful life hacks. The house always smells like Eden.


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